Dwelve deep into the UnderMine and discover its secrets, one peasant at a time! UnderMine is an action-adventure roguelike that blends combat and dungeon crawling with rpg-like progression. Mine gold, die, upgrade yourself, and try again! Discover hundreds of items including relics, potions, blessings, and curses that all combo and stack for a new experience every run. Challenge dangerous bosses and rescue helpful characters that provide new upgrades for your adventure. Decipher the cryptic messages of the Undermine’s residents and unfold the mystery at the heart of the dungeon. Discover relics, potions, prayers, blessings, and even curses to forge that perfect run. Watch as items pop off and combo with one another to make a god peasant of destruction. Discover friendly (and some unfriendly) characters in need of rescue. After returning them safe to the mine's hub they will offer powerful upgrades that can be used from run to run. Explore every nook and cranny to discover hundreds of secrets. New relics, potions, characters, and story bits lay behind the statues, rocks, and walls of each floor. Each area of the UnderMine contains one (or more!) deadly boss that will test planning, patience, strategy, and skill. Prepare well, because a test awaits!
Steam User 18
Surely recommended!
I completed the main game today, after 50 hours, and the game kept introducing new elements till now. There is another New Game+ type mode I have unlocked today, and I am going to play it now.
A 2D indie game that successfully keeps itself interesting and new for 50 hours is certainly awesome.
Steam User 29
I had fun playing this one, mostly. Fighting mechanics are simple without being too limiting, often when a run fails it's not down to RNG and enemy variety is reasonable. The story is nothing to write home about but it doesn't get in the way of gameplay.
However RNG can sometimes make or break a run, especially as you unlock more and more items that can spawn in. You're just as likely to get items in one run that:
- increase/multiply gold
- make gold heal you
- make gold explode enemies and
- magnetise gold to you
as you are to get random items that synergise in no practical way.
What to do in that situation? Mothball the run? Persevere knowing you could be having more fun? It's a tough choice and not conducive to an enjoyable experience.
Also post-game content is extremely grind-heavy and adds very little in the way of fresh new experiences.
Steam User 3
I think this was the first rogue-like game I have ever played. It was a brand new experience for me. It was quite hard initially getting used to the control especially because I was a newbie for action game as well. But eventually I was able to complete the main story, which really surprised me. I don't think I will ever muster up the will to finish another game like this so I will cherish this achievement in my heart for a long time to come.
Steam User 3
Undermine is really fun and challenging, even after all these years. I keep coming back to it. Bring the sequel!
Steam User 3
Not bad but definitely has some flaws
6/10 Undermine has a nice visual style and is well polished in that regard. The base game loop consisting of basic SNES "Zelda-like" combat is a weak point. The character has a floaty jump which doubles as your main defensive option; not a choice I would have gone with. Persistent progression is mostly too slow; veterans of the genre will likely complete a first run well before unlocking most things. Subsequent runs after the 1st stone completion is another weak point as the game changes very little. Additionally, IMO the handling of false/secret walls and stairs is pretty poor. False walls sometimes shimmer for a hint (which was a decent touch) but the choice for the stairs to be completely undetectable except for trial and error is bizarre. Finding these is important and you constantly have to waste resources on a lark to do so. Overall its a decent game that I'm sure some people can get addicted to longer term but for me my interest fell off pretty quickly.
Steam User 2
intruging story, fun gameplay and keeps me occupied for hours
Steam User 2
Undermine is a great game and I highly recommend it for people who like roguelites. I felt like I had pretty much beaten the game (all upgrades obtained and practically limitless money) after about 20 hours but kept playing after that just because it's fun. After that first 20 hours, the enjoyment came from getting lucky combos to clear rooms fast or annihilate bosses.
By no means had I 100% completed the game at 20 hours, though. There is plenty left to do as far as end-game stuff is concerned and a few different ways to make the game more challenging, but I am not a completionist and the game is intrinsically more challenging after each time you complete a run.
There is also a competitive game mode where you do speed runs and your scores go on a leaderboard to compare yourself to other players. I am looking forward to Undermine 2.