The Citadel
THE CITADEL is a hardcore, brutal old-school shooter full of action that's a throwback to the 90's classics that we all love. Fight through 6 Episodes of 30 action packed levels (and an additional 6 secret levels). Face off against 6 fearsome bosses. Carry 14 different types of weapons, with obliterating secondary fire functions. Make the world tremble with 3 types of single-use special weapons. ・Unlimited Continues. ・You can continue trying until you break. Hub areas serve as respite if you find the episode to be too difficult. ・Completely skill based: no cheap Hitscanner, all projectiles. You live as good as you dodge. ・Huge enemy variety and diversity. From axe throwing cultists, to suicide drones, to mecha tanks, and flamethrower troopers.
Steam User 152
It's so obvious dude was making a ryona fetish hentai game and halfway through he was like "wait a sec, I have a pretty good shooter on my hands now" and switched course midway. And I love every second of it.
Steam User 32
Pretty fun boomer shooter with unique gunplay mechanics, especially if you grew up with the OG's. Lots of reviews call it a "gooner shooter," but those are probably the same types who never watched Ghost in the Shell or Elfen Lied because they think even a minutia of exposed skin means people are gonna blow a load like they're Mount Vesuvius from the exposure.
I you enjoy good character/sprite designs, or a "show, don't tell," story format, this is also a good choice. If you enjoyed, be sure to check out the version 0.4 demo of it's sequel: Beyond Citadel
Steam User 19
This game was deep in my memories. It seems so obscure, but it should be renowned the world over. It has everything I like: Guns, anime women, religious imagery, horrific gore, deeply involved gunplay, platforming, upgrades, sweet characters, and one of the most unique, efficient, and breathtaking graphical directions out of any game. There's some minor bugs, and I recommend adjusting the controller settings in steam input. After that, the game is a thrill to beat! The "easy" difficulty is at least as hard as classic DOOM's "Ultra Violence", so starting there will give you a very satisfying climb up the difficulty ladder.
Steam User 17
I'll address the elephant in the room. Is this a coomer boomer shooter? Not really. Aside from the main character there isn't much fan service in The Citadel. If anything, it's anti-fan service. It's eerie, grim-dark, and very violent. While enemies do appear as anime girls once killed, their guts are very detailed and the remains have horrified looks on their faces with tears rolling down their cheeks. There's almost no story within the game and it ends very abruptly. You have to search for it on the internet for some reason. What you can find is pretty interesting, at least.
Gameplay wise on one hand it seems to be a boomer shooter with double jumping, no fall damage (outside of instant death pits), no hitscanners - all projectiles, on the other you have iron sights, weapon recoil, leaning, and even manual and tactical reloads, as well as headshots... and then you pilot a mech and start blowing sh*t up.
The Citadel looks like a Wolfenstein 3D clone, but many levels have a ton of verticality where the double jump is required. Non-stop cyan aesthetics of the maps, in addition to featureless rooms, make them tiresome quickly.
There's no tutorial; the developer doesn't inform you e.g., what food exactly does, you have to figure it out yourself, and no quick saving. Only checkpoints with a life system. Very annoying due to platforming with instant death pits.
Tremendous potential, especially the setting. Since the sequel is in development, I hope it's much better.
Steam User 40
cool tactical shooter game but it does suffer from enemies being really far away and super high up just pinging you + the not at all subtle over saturation of guro fetish content
Steam User 12
Fun shooter, kinda ends abruptly. Story is not great, but no one really plays shooters for the story. Gunplay is excellent, very visceral weapons, all of them feel useful and powerful.
Graphics are ok, the game does some interesting things with the sprites.
Steam User 9
Looks can be deceiving - even in videogames.
When I got this in a retro shooter bundle, I thought it looked by far the dullest of the bunch, just judging from the screenshots. The screenshots looked all very similar and it felt overall, frankly, quite boring and average, hence it's the last one I played of that bundle.
However, it is far from being dull. It is probably one of the weirdest retro shooters I've played, and I do play a lot of them.
It's only dull visually, as the textures are very basic and it all looks very samey across the 6 acts.
For the rest, it tries really hard (and most of the times it succeeds) in being original, in a very odd way.
Most things are really weird. The weapons. How you reload them. The UI is weird (in a bad way). The level design is also slightly odd although in a kind of a good way. The characters deserve a special mention for weirdness as they are some kind of anime which I guess might be entertaining to some but I just find them bloody weird. The music? Also very weird as half of the time doesn't match what's going on and it would be rather best placed for one of those "relaxing games" which seem quite popular nowadays. Performances are also weird as frame rate is quite inconsistent especially in a later level with many glass walls.
So considering all this: if you have played the great retro shooters of the current revival (everything from New Blood, but also Ion Fury and many others), and the classics of the previous era (Blood, Doom and mods, etc), and you don't mind the weirdness, you will probably have a good time with this. Just be aware it's quite hard, but if you played the ones just named you should be fine!