Sub Command
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Take charge of the most deadly modern-day submarines in the world – three distinct submarines across two unique and challenging campaigns. Utilize cutting-edge sensor and weapon technology to locate, track and destroy the enemy – even deliver Tomahawk missiles to inland targets. Whether transiting, diving, or surfacing you control the smartest, stealthiest and most feared subs on the water today!
- Three submarines to command – Seawolf, 688(I) and Akula. Each contains authentic naval systems including Sonar, Radar and Target Motion Analysis.
- Test your skills while firing Tomahawk missiles, rescuing crippled subs, rising through the polar ice cap to communicate information and much more.
- Easy to use game interface – With straightforward controls and automated crewmen, controlling a submarine has never been easier.
- Enhanced sound and 3D graphics engine – 3D Objects (over 250), from Russian trawlers to France’s Mirage fighters – plus exacting sound modes pull you in like never before. You won’t just hear the torpedos, you will feel them.
Steam User 1
A good game, with some seriously well done SONAR modelling in the Sub-Sub dept., it unfortunately shows its age in occasional bugs (in campaign) and retains yester-decade's myths of how various weapons worked (No, 65-57 are not DP wire-guided; No, Shkval is not anti-submarine). All told, it is a game that is terribly overwhelming and satisfying all at once, and is worth getting alongside the other games in the Complete Naval Combat Pack if you're into submarines.
Steam User 0
Good game
Steam User 1
Great relaxing game
Steam User 0