Stories: The Path of Destinies
Stories: The Path of Destinies is an action RPG set in a vibrant fairytale universe filled with floating islands, majestic airships, and colorful magic. Reynardo, ex-pirate and unintentional hero, suddenly becomes the last line of the defense against the mad Emperor and his countless ravens. Can he come up with a plan that won’t blow up in his face, for a change? In Stories, each choice you make takes Reynardo into a unique narrative. From tongue-in-cheek takes on heroic adventures to dark, Lovecraftian scenes, Stories’ repertoire is as diverse as it is action-packed. But Reynardo’s fateful decisions won’t always come easy: Sometimes retrieving a weapon lost at the beginning of time means sacrificing the life of an old friend. But with so many choices to make, so many potential dire destinies, wouldn't it be great to be able to come back in time, learn from your mistakes and find the one true path?
Steam User 4
A game with a unique style and beautiful narrative, gets destroyed by repetitive gameplay and boring combat. The game could have been so good, but the combat alone turns it into a very average game.
The story is so good tho it's worth a playthrough.
Steam User 2
The writing and characters in this game are great and funny, but there's only so many times I can be bothered to play through the game to get alternative endings, especially when dialogue can't be skipped at any point.
I played through it enough times until I stopped having fun. Maybe that's the best way to enjoy this game, but it's sad it has to be that way.
I would still, however, recommend it, even if just for a few runs, because the game is still very fun overall.
Steam User 2
Wonderful narrative, really charming characters and a really addictive gameplay loop. It also doesn't outlast it's welcome. I really recommend picking this up and playing it. We absolutely need more games like this.
Steam User 1
This is one of those games I think I got in a bundle at some point and then it sat unplayed in my library for years. Finally played it, and it's actually great! Combat is simple but fun once you get a few upgrades, voice acting is excellent, the story is interesting. Highly recommend.
Steam User 1
Basically imagine if you took the Batman Arkham Asylum combat but put it in a branching paths time loop with furries.
The combat system is straightforward and fun and most of the story paths are interesting if a bit simple (understandable for a story you go through over and over), it can get repetitive playing the same levels over and over to try and get all the endings but the late game skill unlocks allow you to clear enemy encounters very fast, I just wish some of the unskippable dialogue would have been skippable.
Steam User 1
An OK game that used a compelling narrative and mystery to cover for a perfectly passable game-play systems. It seems to know this and almost throws the keys to the true end at you. Once you work out that there is nothing to keeping you playing after save grind for achievements.
Steam User 1
Sure, I've just played this for two hours, but that doesn't mean I can write a good review for this game.
My thoughts
Well, some might find this game as a spam clicker (or a button spammer, perhaps) because well, the fighting mechanics in this game aren't that trash, I mean, I died like 50 times just to complete one story. But, for some pro gamers, the fighting mechanics might be a little trash. Anyways, the story is rich and comparable to Fire Emblem: Awakening, or perhaps Fire Emblem: Fates in this case,because in my opinion (some might beg to differ with me on this), I legit thought about flying on Grima's back on Chapter 5 whilst "Don't speak her name" plays in the background. (Even though the soundtrack doesn't play on that chapter haha) Anyways, the stages for some reason looks like the stages in Smash Run on the 3DS, except that everything's 3D and there's no stereoscopy there to harm your eyes.
To be honest, I think that the fighting in this game feels and looks like Breath of The Wild, except that there's no free camera and that pointer on top of the enemies telling you which enemies you're targeting. I bought this game in hopes of a good story, and they returned the favour well. I was rewarded with a great story (although, I must note, that it's predictable in some cases). For the graphics, I can't say much because I really don't care about graphics settings. For you people with god-spec PCs, you may turn on FXAA anti-aliasing, which, I think makes the game look a little better. If you want to finish the stories (just like me right now) you may choose to buy Omensight too, so when you're done with this game, you can move on. I haven't played Omensight myself, but there's a one in a 128 percent chance that it will suck.
To sum it all up, here's a list
Rich story that's comparable to Fire Emblem: Awakening or FE: Fates.
AI isn't really that trash, as you finish one story after another, you'll be introduced to new enemies.
Narrator is present to lighten up the mood
Achievement hunting isn't a pain (I'm looking at you, Paradox!)
Stages have second pathways, kinda like Smash Run in SSB3DS.
Soundtrack is AWESOME. Graphics a little bloomy for me, but it fares well.
Story is predictable in some cases
Fighting mechanics are just pressing X (LMB)
Narrator might be annoying to some
It starts at the beginning of the chapter if you ever decide to leave, so make sure you finish it! (Unless you can't, of course.)
Camera is at a fixed angle, which I don't really like.
Again, I'm gonna write a paragraph so bear with me on this. The story is based of off decisions. If you ever finish one story, you'll go back to the first decision you made, so you can make new stories until you finally don't have any more stories to unlock. When that happens, I don't know for sure, but I think you could possibly re-do everything? The narrator is also dynamic, because when you have completed a story, and unlocked the truths, the narrator will then add that information (hence the name).
It's a really good game, and I'm addicted to it! Now I can have a girlfriend for once (I play HOI4)! I recommend you playing it to support les Québécoises qui fait cette jeu (The Quebeckers who made this game).
BONUS! Comparisons and Similarities to the 3DS Fire Emblem games
Well... OK. Here they are (skip if you don't like spoilers):
Fire Emblem Awakening / Fates compared with this game
Dynamic Paths system (Just like in Fates)
Comical in some scenes/narrations (Just like Awakening and Fates' support system)
Deeply expressive and... dark? (Just like Awakening)
This game doesn't have the tile system like both Fire Emblem games (you cannot build decks too)
My friend says this game looks a lot like Hades
I actually legit thought about the "hierophant" in Fire Emblem: Awakening when you choose the Iblis Stone path
I also thought about Beginnings, Endings, and Awakenings of those games
Why am I still listing? Ah well, the sprites look dandy, and surely they don't look like as if you're going to see boobies in 280p
That's about it.