Space Pirates and Zombies 2
In SPAZ 2 you must survive in an evolving post apocalyptic Galaxy. The zombie threat is defeated, infrastructure has collapsed, fuel is scarce, and scavenging means survival. Initially the Galaxy contains hundreds of fleets, each trying to survive. AI captains do everything the player can. The player is not special and is not the center of the Galaxy. As resource scarcity becomes critical, ships come into conflict just to survive. Factions may form for protection or split due to starvation. Old friends must become fodder. Stronger factions establish and defend territories, set up resource hubs, and establish star bases. Weaker factions may resort to banditry. Each captain is unique, persistent, and shapes the Galaxy. When factions meet, combat is usually the result. While the strategic side of SPAZ 2 is about exploration, territorial control, and faction building, the action side of SPAZ 2 is about ship construction, tactics, and salvage.
Steam User 7
The game play is fun, the dialogue is funny, the story is... The game play is fun and the dialogue is funny.
Steam User 3
I've trully enjoyed this game.
some base buidling
simple rts in space
ship building
Funny dialoge
Go for it, you won't be disappointed
Steam User 3
An expansion of the concepts of the first game, that brings some more modern design philosophy. Room to improve exists, but it's a fun little sandlot to romp around in and customise ships in
Steam User 1
Oh yeah i love this game more than most. In so many ways it feels like one you can truly customize any shape, of ship you want. Then modify any part any way you can think of. It is a fun one to customize how ever you want. I also like the humor behind it. Most games humor is something you don't get to see a lot of the time.
My favorite build is 11 blocks left and right then the edges have 3. Pretty much any weapons work good, but i like 4 long range lasers and 4 of the mass drivers to slaughter anything. 2 mini guns, and flak cannons cris crossed on the small parts of front and back. Along with that much shield, and engines you can go real fast, and take a ton of damage.
over all i have to say its a fun game to relax with, but still a hard challenge at times.
Steam User 2
A fantastic little space opera.
Very fulfilling progression and combat.
I keep coming back to it every year or so and each play through has been very unique.
Really looking forward to SPAZ 3! (Maybe with a few additional systems to keep things interesting? More robust trading perhaps?)
Steam User 0
It's a fun little game, make a new world, play for a few days and then quit and repeat every 6months. It's one of those games, a fun distraction for a bit while you're bored but isn't going near your top ten.
I like spaz1 better, I'd like to see them go back to their 2d roots and expand on the core concept and fun ideas rather than graphics. Try it from the other angle devs, see what happens.
Steam User 0
It's still a fun game.
While the campaign leads you nicelly to chose the fate of the universe, the sandbox where you can really tailor your conquest and dream scenario.
There are big grind walls tho, and the randomness of the shops really puts an extra layer on it when you envision a build to actually get it just right.
The game wont stop being challanging tough. So doN't worry that there is nothing to grind to, it is a big part of the game to puzzle out how to overcome those odds.
On my first run i done a full RAM build. Literally one shoted maxed zombie bases bossting from start position.
On my current run, i have so many ships that shots ships that just im a blow, up anthill desintegrating anything that gets near me.
I would say the only core game mechanic is energy shield and that there are no way to remove it from long range. It's really an anti-kiting mechanic as the playfield is effectivelly infinite so you can always keep a distance. However this decision made all builds a sorta close up range (im talking about heavy endgame, like the very last challanges)
So ultimatelly i would suggest this to anyone who like close and personal brawl in space.