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The Umbrella Corporation and its crop of lethal viruses have been destroyed and contained. But a new, more dangerous threat has emerged. Years after surviving the events in Raccoon City, Chris Redfield has been fighting the scourge of bio-organic weapons all over the world. Now a member of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA), Chris is sent to Africa to investigate a biological agent that is transforming the populace into aggressive and disturbing creatures. Joined by another local BSAA agent, Sheva Alomar, the two must work together to solve the truth behind the disturbing turn of events.
Steam User 40
Game's pretty sick, but a little forewarning to save you some frustration when you play through it:
In chapter 5-2, there's a boss that is bugged that will literally not die through the normal given means of beating it. The only way to get past it is one of two things: capping the framerate at 30 fps then maybe that lets you beat it normally, or buying an rpg and insta-killing it. I suggest saving up for the rpg since in my opinion the boss design is complete garbage anyways. Don't know why Capcom never bothered to patch this issue out of the game, but it is what it is I guess. It is an old game and for some reason games like this seem to always have issues with running them at high fps.
Steam User 33
This is an old game and i'm playing it in 2024. I reply it at least once a year. That's how good this game is, I love it. I first played it as a kid with my dad (may he rest in peace) so it will always have a special place in my heart! 10/10.
Steam User 56
this game gave me and my husband a type of brain damage that lead us to roleplay the characters' mannerisms and speech patterns, even while out in public. unparalleled experience.
Steam User 31
Chris Redfield and Sheva whatever her last name goes to africa and commit massive genocide and leaves with no elaboration. I must say this is a masterpiece of a game and should be remaked soon
Steam User 42
Great story (love OG RE4 but RE5>> imo)
Mechanics and combat were decent (loved stun rod <3)
(Killing zeds while they're charging was buggy, they can still hit after their head blown)
AI was a bit annoying but It's pretty good for it's own time.
Wesker final fight was not like how I expected. It was easy compared to other boss fights (on Veteran)
Steam User 23
It may not have an ounce of horror in it compared to previous titles but I don't care, this is the most fun and replayable Resident Evil game. Only potentially being rivaled by RE4. Peak Chris Redfield, would buy 5 more times. 5/5.
Steam User 18
Underrated Resident Evil. I ain't gonna lie... co-op make this game better, even though single player is good. The only bad thing is the stupid AI of your partner. Some bugs like bad spawning of enemies but it doesn't break the game.
Too much action for my taste, especially when I know that I'm playing a Resident Evil title.