Red Faction Guerrilla: Re-Mars-tered Edition
Set 50 years after the climactic events of the original Red Faction, Red Faction: Guerrilla allows players to take the role of an insurgent fighter with the newly re-established Red Faction movement as they battle for liberation from the oppressive Earth Defense Force. Red Faction: Guerrilla re-defines the limits of destruction-based game-play with a huge open-world, fast-paced guerrilla-style combat, and true physics-based destruction. Open World Guerrilla Warfare – You decide who, when, where and how to battle. Utilize guerrilla tactics, improvised weaponry, and modified vehicles to lead insurgent attacks on EDF targets. Launch attacks based on your own gameplay style, take on missions in any order you choose, or engage in destructive activities to weaken the EDF's grip on Mars. Strategic Destruction – Use destruction to your tactical advantage, setting ambushes or chain reaction explosions to attack enemy strongholds and permanently modify the game environment.
Steam User 22
Fun little time sink, blast from the past. Back when games were just mindless violence and awesome destruction. Bad sides to it are the maps are generally barren and combat can get insanely repetitive. Didn't try multiplayer, I only came to finish the singleplayer that I couldn't when I was younger. A nice finish. Get it on sale.
Steam User 16
I wish more modern games do what this game does amazingly -- have super fun destructibility physics. Knocking down buildings is the most fun thing ever in this game and so much so that I skipped through most of the cut scenes and story bits just to continue destroying stuff. How has it been 15 years and no game has come close to what Red Faction Guerrilla does in this specific regard?
Steam User 10
Aw man, this is probably one of the best games from the 7th console generation. This is THE example of gameplay over narrative.
Would it be better with a good story? Sure, maybe... But does a game with destruction mechanics that are still highly intricate and advanced 15+ years later really need to have a deep story? Mindlessly smash and explode your problems away until you bring down the entire political system of Mars.
You're the good guy in this, trust me :3
Steam User 18
i think it's a great game but would have been better and have improved it by being ''remastered''
the game is sometimes very bugged, some funny bugs that are cool is when you shoot in enemies and they die & then fly like you throw they very far
i had one crash during gameplay, and if you are too much on game, the game start to have werid lag even if your PC is good enough to run it, sounds like the game remastered have performance issues such as bad poor optimization problaby
a negative point of game, is that you can't save the progress when you are doing in main mission, if you die, it already lost all, i hated that when i was doing mission for enter dust
some parts of game are well boring, or maybe would be me sure, i dont want to talk bad all the game just because maybe the game is too different for me, but i found out game cool and kinda fun in some point, at last playing the mode campaign is still awesome
Right now its sale -80% i do recommend if you are looking for something different, it's like GTA in Mars but would have been better, that's all.
it's just a simples game, some cars are cool and the game have nice weapons but not a lot of weapons or cars to do than just doing the missions, the cutscenes of game are pretty great and the open world of it is pretty good though.
Steam User 7
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered is a blast! The open-world destruction in this game is incredibly satisfying. Smashing buildings and watching them collapse never gets old. The remastered graphics look fantastic, breathing new life into the Martian landscape. The gameplay is fast-paced and the missions are diverse enough to keep things interesting. While the story is fairly straightforward, it's the chaos and freedom to destroy everything in sight that make this game so much fun. If you love action and blowing things up, this remastered version is a must-play!
Steam User 6
*Same as the OG release just a little better*
Amazing. Loved it on PS3 and still love it here. There is no game out there that matches the destruction in this game to this day, both in quality and in scale. Beyond the destruction is actually a pretty fun game as well lol. A lot of fun and varied weapons to cause mayhem with too. I would love to see something like this again but as a current gen title. Unfortunately the industry seems to be way more focused on pretty graphics rather than interesting and cool interactivity which is unfortunate. Just a really fun game!
Steam User 19
if you like breaking lots of things and being hostile to the government this is the game for you