Grey Goo
Out of the ashes of war, a tentative truce emerges between the Humans, Beta and the Goo—but peace doesn’t last long. Ecosystem Nine finds itself thrust into turmoil once again with the arrival of a destructive, alien life form known as the Shroud. Grey Goo is a real-time strategy (RTS) game that combines classic strategy mechanics and a balanced combat system with an emphasis on large-scale decision-making. It puts you at the center of a tactical struggle for survival—and ultimately, control of Ecosystem 9. Take on the single-player campaign to command three factions: the Humans, masters of defensive architecture; the Beta, a proud, versatile alien race; and the Goo, an enigmatic, highly mobile life form. Or compete with any of the four multiplayer factions—including the disruptive, unpredictable Shroud.
Steam User 4
While it was not the easiest game to initially learn, once you get the hang of it, it can be pretty fun. I didn't enjoy the way it played as much compared to C&C games, but the story kept me going and was worth the price I paid for the game being on sale. Worth trying if you like RTS games.
Steam User 10
Apparently this has mixed reviews but this is one of the last real-ass RTS's you or I have played.
Is there jank? Yeah, some
Does it rip farts? You fucken betcha
Steam User 5
came so close to being good...
Just needed less of the budget spent on acting and more on levels units and maps...
But its a classic style rts so that's something
Steam User 10
Old school RTS game from the people who made Empire at War. Horribly underrated gem of a game. Deserves much more love than it got.
Steam User 3
game is fun to play alone and with others and its fun to spam drovers
Steam User 9
Not sure the point in reviewing a 9 year old game, but I think this was a solid showing for the RTS genre. It did some things poorly - unit pathing, for example, always felt poor, but honestly everything Petroglyph does feels that way.
The factions are unique and well thought out. I love their diversity and interesting uniqueness. The units themselves, however, are a little less interesting, often falling into rather uninspired unit types. Even the Goo end up just creating a bunch of basic types that you spam when you need them. The humans are the worst, I think.
One guy was shitting on the campaign. Apparently he felt like the whole premise could be avoided if everyone clearly articulated their intentions. Well, no shit. Turns out, most wars could probably be avoided if people communicated clearly. But they don't. Often. Especially if they all speak different languages and look completely different.
And it just seems shitty to invalidate a premise because the protagonists "could've" acted differently. I mean. That's the story. They didn't act differently.
But people are pretty dumb.
Ultimately, the story has other problems, the largest of which is that it was never truly finished. After the game's sales didn't make the devs the next Elon Musk, the campaign was left on a cliffhanger. But the overall story was fine otherwise, though the individual missions were often obnoxious, grindy slog-fests that involve throwing yourself against the enemy or painfully exploring the map in search of the final Goo Mother.
Either way, this is not a perfect game, but every now and then I like to turn it on and dick around with it. It's a middling showing of the genre that was, overall, enjoyable.
Unless you have something against stories that are based on fallible characters who make basic mistakes like jumping to conclusions or failing to communicate.
Steam User 1
Grey Goo is an episodic RTS base-builder with 4* factions. The gameplay changes depending on which faction you are playing, with the campaign serving as an in-depth look at the capabilities and special 'epic' units of the first three factions.
The gameplay is fun and interesting, and the story is a classic tale of military intrigue and conflict born from misunderstanding. The cutscenes are highly polished, and the voice acting is superb, with different factions featuring different arrays of accents.