Goodbye Deponia
More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia – part three of the Deponia series. The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way. All he wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan… The award-winning Deponia series comprises four wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre.
Steam User 1
In 2016, I bought Deponia (first game of the series) as part of a Daedalic bundle, and at a 90% discount. That game was definitely an impulse purchase as point and click games are not the type of games that I normally play. Back then, I recommended the game, but just barely, as it had some puzzles that made no sense. Eight years later, I bought the rest of the series, also on an impulse and at a deep discount.
Goodbye Deponia is the third game of the series, and basically, if you liked the first two games, you may like this one too. The puzzles in the beginning (and also near the end) were a bit too linear for me. It felt like just going through the motions -- there were a long chain of obscure puzzles/events/actions, that can only be done in one order, that is used to slowly move the story along. Also, some of the mini games were just silly and annoying (not sure why). The puzzles do get better, especially when the story line breaks into separate paths (purposely being vague). And as with the previous games, the story line and humor are just as wacky -- so don't take it too seriously.
There are also a few non-sensical puzzles/solutions with the game. However, as this is the third game of the series, most players should be able to figure it out with a bit of thinking like Rufus, and a lot of trial and error. In fact, the game even points out how common is trial and error used. I just wished that they made the game more forgiving in regards to reaching the solution. It is really annoying when you actually figured out the solution, but accidentally left clicked instead of right clicked, or doing it slightly out of order, etc. -- you wind up moving onto something else on the list to try.
For me, this game was a bit better than the first one, but not as good as the second one. I would still recommend it though. Well worth it at a 90% discount.
Steam User 0
Some of the things Rufus does in this installment are utterly despicable, so I understand why some folks feel very uncomfortable about the series in general. But I think we're not meant to condone anything Rufus does just because "it progresses the game". I WAS legit discomforted at certain parts but perhaps that was the intention.
Rufus is NOT a good guy.. He is an asshole who doesn't care who gets screwed over nor how as long as he gets his way. Him being an asshole, and getting punished for his hubris is the entire point.
Few game series FORCE you to play as an utterly reprehensible, self-centered and despicable bastard , see him get exactly what he deserves in the end and STILL feel bad for him at the end after laughing at his past misfortunes. Or maybe you're happy with that. Your mileage may vary how much you tolerate Rufus, and that's ok.
Steam User 0
An excellent continuation of the best game series from Daedalic. Packed with humor, moderately challenging puzzles, and, most importantly, an outstanding storyline.
10 out of 10!
Steam User 0
Love the Deponia series. I really enjoyed this game especially when I had to play three characters separately.
Steam User 0
As a conclusion for a trilogy, it was great. It was the most complicated one so far, but it really feels more polished. I honestly did like the story and the ending everyone complains about. It’s a really nice ending to a fun, charming adventure (yeah, ignore the fourth game).
Steam User 0
Playing this again after 10 years !? My my time do fly.
I remember bits and pieces as I go along, it has some great moments (fave is the wash cycle) but in terms of puzzles I did find it the weakest, but it makes up for that in absurd fun.
Can recommend, even nowadays it’s quality can stand up to other games.
Steam User 0
Deponia is a game that throws a whole range of different emotions into the mix at once.
From the first game on, I've been feeling all sorts of good things,
especially when Rufus meets Goal and he just wants to be with her on Elysium to win her love (of course, love is the top priority).
I was even a bit jealous that Rufus and Goal wouldn't be together
I love the way this game is styled. The character animations are great and the environment animations are top-notch.
All the characters have a unique feel to them and they're all drawn so beautifully.
I took tons of screenshots – there's almost two thousand in total, to be honest!
The devs at Daedalic have done a great job. The story is even a little bit unique and works really well in the game's world (in my opinion).
Too bad Rufus will never be with Goal – at least not in this reality or whatever world they're in – but maybe in some alternative timeline or something, he'll meet her someday.