Endless Legend
Create your own Legend Another sunrise, another day of toil. Food must be grown, industries built, science and magic advanced, and wealth collected. Urgency drives these simple efforts, however, for your planet holds a history of unexplained apocalypse, and the winter you just survived was the worst on record. A fact that has also been true for the previous five. As you discover the lost secrets of your world and the mysteries of the legends and ruins that exist as much in reality as in rumor, you will come to see that you are not alone. Other peoples also struggle to survive, to grow, and perhaps even to conquer. You have a city, a loyal populace, and a few troops; your power and magic should be sufficient to keep them alive. But beyond that, nothing is certain… Where will you go, what will you find, and how will you react? Will your trail be one of roses, or of blood?
Steam User 21
This remains the best 4X game in existence, not topped by its own spiritual successor Endless Space 2, or Civ 6.
So many elements work so well together: the city districts that sprawl across the map (a feature later borrowed by Civ 6), heroes with equippable inventory items, and the RPG-style quests that take you out across the map. But the thing that makes this game special is the unmatched faction diversity. Every faction has a unique mechanic: the ones that can move their cities, the ones that can eat money, the ones that are automatically at war with everyone, the ones that can force peace deals, the list goes on. It makes you want to play a full game as each one just to experience them all.
Really looking forward to seeing what they do with the sequel.
Steam User 23
I will say a controversial opinion, one that cannot easily be understood by those who have not played this gem but it must be said nonetheless: This game is better than Civilization.
Unconstrained by historical accuracy and weakness of mortals in its setting, Endless Legend springs forth from the usual box of 4X and unfolds into a world of magic and monsters. Every civilization plays uniquely with their own means and ends, weather events keep you on your toes, hulking titans roam around that may aid or obstruct you. Even combat keeps it fresh by being reminiscent to Heroes of Might & Magic where an army spread out from its stack and the very terrain and local layout becomes the temporary battleground.
The graphics are beautiful and the planet Auriga which you canonically play on is ever changing with harsh seasons and active minor factions scattered across to bribe or conquer, and assimilate into your nation.
Why bother with an inferior and more expensive 4X game such as Civ when you can play this? If you are a fan of this genre of games then it's a must-buy.
Steam User 13
Pretty good and original 4X, peak Amplitude #1.
The DLCs are hit and miss, I'd recommend only getting Shadows and Tempest. The others are either straight up bad or otherwise add content that mostly makes the game more tedious.
Don't forget to grab the community patch.
Steam User 73
The Vaulters are one of Endless Legends eight playable factions.
The true origin of the Vaulters is lost even to themselves. Their history as they teach it to their children begins within a great. metal habitat lodged beneath the surface of Auriga. Naturally conservative and wary the Vaulters have limited relationships with the other peoples of Auriga.
Steam User 12
Endless Legend is a game that is near and dear to me for too many reasons to list. That said, I will try my best to go over a small fraction of what makes this a wonderful game and why you might want to join incredible community attached to it.
Firstly, what makes it stand out from other 4x titles.
-Custom Factions: You can use one faction as a template, and use them to create a custom faction that plays completely different compared to the original. This has lead to a thriving optimization community for both single, and multiplayer (provided custom factions are on)
-The World Dynamics: The game uses a "quest" system wherein you can discover or be given quests that let you win the loyalty of other "minor" factions, give you distinct weapons and armor, unique technologies, and much more. I've not seen this done in exhaustive detail elsewhere outside Amplitude games.
Community support: The devs have their own discord where players can discuss things with one another and organize multiplayer games (which only require the host to have the DLC in order for all players to be able to use it). While the community is small, they are accepting and encouraging of new players.
I have more I could say, but this is a recommendation, not a dissertation. If you enjoy 4x games, looking to get into the genre, or just want a game to sink your teeth into I highly reccommend giving Endless Legend a try.
TLDR: EL's customization, dynamic game elements, and community make this a good game for 4x fans new and old to check out.
Steam User 10
At first I regretted buying this game, but once you start to learn the systems it's so freaking addicting!! My advice for new player: Play tutorial (obviously) but then play a FAST game on EASY mode. Pick MEZARI (the science race). More food = More workers, which is essential for everything. More science = faster tech tree, which is necessary to acquire new structures that you can then build. More Industry = FASTER building of structures.
That's the gist. Try not to piss off your neighbors!
Steam User 26
Unironically an amazing game in the 4X genre, super satisfying to play through, easy to understand. Feels REALLY good when it works well. Highly recommend :D