Dying Light: The Following
Dying Light: The Following is a new chapter of Kyle Crane's story and a vast expansion to the base game. Offering the amount of content fit for a stand-alone title. All this, coupled with numerous improvements to the original Dying Light gameplay. The impossible turned out to be true. There is a secret passage leading outside the walls of Harran. The unfair race against time to save countless human lives has just begun… Discover a brand new, breathtaking region, larger than all of the base game maps combined. New locations, characters, quests and secrets await you. Become Kyle Crane once more and uncover a mystery in which zombies are not the only threat anymore. Discover the secret of an ancient cult possessing the power to change Harran's fate. New means of survival – a fully modifiable tool to spread carnage among the zombie hordes. Customize your buggy to turn it into a deadly weapon and hit the road.
Steam User 11
doesnt matter if the map isnt suitable for parkour but the Buggy is hella fun also you cant really complete the whole story without this dlc
having so many volatile hives and places is fun
i can run over fucking demolishers!!!
10/10 would recommend
Steam User 7
completed dying light the following and i can say it was good
story 9/10
gameplay 9.5/10
graphic :this dont matter to me it looks good
so anyways the main thing that i hate about this dlc was the buggy i dont really like to drive on a car with firstperson and low fov but about other thing it was good,the countryside dont have much houses like harran so you can easily get detected by volatiles,unless you have your buggy and the UV light upgrade you are not safe when outside at night either that or stay inside the safe zone.
thats all i can say see you around in any other games i play.
Steam User 6
i like it imo, maybe u cant parkour there like in harran but u have the car, which is kinda fun. And also the map is great.
Steam User 3
Brand new map and a drivable vehicle, this is the biggest dlc the game has gotten for sure. This expansion also comes with a new story and missions. Though this expansion plays really different from the original game, as it clearly was designed for the new buggy to be the main mode of transportation, therefore the map has a lot of open spaces and probably also why a countryside was chosen as the location.
This also comes as part of the enhanced edition.
Steam User 3
I can see why people are upset with the almost complete removal of the parkour mechanics, but in all honesty I enjoy it. It's a complete change in pace and players that previously relied on it to survive are given a new challenge to deal with.
So to completely change the gameplay with the introduction of this DLC combined with a new skill tree relating to the buggy. Awesome. Overall, don't recommend if you feel like parkour is a necessity for you in DL or just don't like driving. Neither of this applies to me and if it doesn't to you, then get it lol
Steam User 1
The DLC makes sure to take a unique approach and add new items to ensure the gameplay feels fresh..
Steam User 2
This expansion picks up right where the main game left off, delivering a satisfying conclusion to Kyle Crane's story while offering hints at what’s to come. Shifting focus from parkour to vehicle-based gameplay, the expansion provides a fresh and exciting twist on the original experience. Though the emphasis on parkour is reduced, the game still offers plenty of fun, making it a worthwhile addition to the Dying Light series:
- Story: 7
- Gameplay: 9
- Technical section: 8
- Artistic section: 8
- Sound section: 8
- Innovation: 8
- Duration: 9