After the apocalypse… The civilization like we know has come to an end and the few survivors have to fight each other. These are hard times in the wasteland! In this POST-APOCALYPTIC EXTRAVAGANZA, you have to make quick tactical decisions if you want to survive! You are the nameless heroine! A vicious assault in the wasteland has hit you hard. Without your memory and hopelessly outnumbered you go on your crusade, fighting your way to your tormentors to take revenge. When you don't act carefully, tactical and clever, you won't stand a chance! During this adventure, it will occur to you that not only your own fate is on the stake but much more… The long-awaited story campaign contains 16 missions with a playing time of around 10 hours and tells an emotional story.
Steam User 3
Just finished the campaign after approx 20 hours. Was an enjoyable deviation from my usual tactical turn based rpgs. Realtime stealth based combat was really well done. UI was somewhat clunky but became much easier after realising that the spacebar (pause) is your friend. Campaign, while hohum, was interesting enough to push you to complete. Rough translation didn't help though. Able to save anytime is a real plus. The portrait for your main character is just plain ugly but custom portraits fixed that. Gameplay was really good so I recommend this one.
Steam User 4
This game feels like an updated version of Fallout Tactics. If you like the origional fallout games this is one for you.
- Easy interface
- Combat System is Balanced
- Weapon drops keep you on par with enemies
- No Initial Character customization
- Story is very liner
Steam User 4
Just bought it for $9. I'm using it as a sandbox to run a rogue / stealth group through custom missions I build myself. For that purpose, there's nothing else like it. Like X-Com 2 with a map editor built into it with a good UI, unlike most map editors. It's fun. Reminds me of Warcraft 2 map editor back in the day :). If you're like me and you can use head canon to tell your story and don't need a long-term campaign from a dev studio, then this game is cray. It's like a solo DnD campaign. I DM'ed for 3 years and do creative writing and graphic design a bit so this is fun :). First thing I'm doing is building a map in the wilderness called "Camp" for me and my 4 operatives to meet up and start their story. I'm a dork like that.
You can't actually customize the main campaign protagonist as far as I'm aware. So if you want to do that in the main campaign, I'd go play Wasteland 3 :).
Honestly though the art style, the music, the combat, etc. It's good. Pretty dang good. I've a huge X-Com 2, isometric person, and this feels pretty dang good. I love that I can just build maps and stuff and play on them too. As a huge nerd, I will be doing bang heists, maps where the entire mission is to just travel through woods, etc. Fun. Running the tutorial now, and there's a lot going on with the tactics, smoke bombs, traps, mines.. So more than what you'd expect from an oudated Fallout game. The armor and stuff is good too, and a compound bow??!? Yes please. They let you choose the gear of your dudes when you make them and it's all pretty sandboxy, so you can do almost everything right from the start. Only a few pieces of gear need you to level up. The tutorial and tactics and stuff are so fun I might go ahead and play that aforementioned single player campaign and see if I can get into this protagonist. Maybe add her to my custom campaign as an NPC or squadmate. :).
You can do stuff in this game you can't do in Jagged Alliance 3, X-Com 2, etc. Basically, if you're a vet of those games, this game will be speaking your language. I'm over here like do I like this more than BG3, JA3, X-Com 2, Pillars, etc already? It's very sanboxxy and the art style is unforgiveably hardcore wasteland post apoc punk stuff but with a mix of tactical ops and military stuff. I can add portraits and create my own char outside of the campaign on the main menu and edit the inventory from the get go??? I legit can't do that in any of the other games I mentioned.
It's a game you can leave running in the background and jump in every now and then while you're doing other stuff, which is one of the reasons i loved X-Com 2. You aren't involved in some melodrama. You're doing missions :).
Steam User 0
very nice game like fotactics
Steam User 1
It's a B-rate version of Fallout 2. Fun, but flawed.
+ Autobattler Combat System
= Level progression
= Loot diversity
- Linear story line
- Enemy AI is terrible
- Stealth is severely OP
Steam User 8
Steam User 0
Fun single player campaign.
I haven't tried the MP yet.