Dreadnought is about one thing: team-based, capital ship combat. It’s a free-to-play shooter that puts you at the center of battles in space and above the surfaces of colonies across the solar system. But it’s not just you and your guns against the world. You have your teammates—outlaw captains like yourself—and a range of ballistic weaponry, Goliath nuclear torpedoes, and long-range Tesla cannons to fill out your earth-shaking arsenal. Combat in Dreadnought takes place at a deliberate pace, giving you just enough time to react to an ever-changing battlefield. During each match, you’ll be able to respawn as a different vessel and switch up your strategy—all while the opposing team does the same. Winning isn’t just about cannons, missiles, and torpedoes. Each vessel is equipped with an energy management system that gives your crew the ability to activate shields, boost engine power, and amplify weapon damage. Using this energy wisely is key to coming out on top.
Steam User 30
This was one of those games that I truly loved, I wish that I had spent more time on it before the shut down. I had a great time playing, I truly loved everything about it. Since the shutdown I have had a hard time finding a game that makes me feel the same way this game felt. It was an honor to play such a great game.
Steam User 17
I certainly love this game
It certainly has it's cough, and some complication but it is very entertaining game and takes a lot of your time to reach high!
Oh, it has been quite difficult to continue plahimg since there aren't many people playing it like before. Some matches may take some 5 to 10 mins to be created.
Steam User 21
A great game but still got shut down.
Absolute shame.
Yet a game about being a hamster is still available.
I think that says it all.
Steam User 9
It was a good game but it had potential to be amazing. Maybe they could've sold a single player campaign game/mode with the option to continue the war online via multiplayer with players seizing and losing control of sectors.
But sadly its now gone and there isnt much to fill the hole its left
Steam User 10
In its height this game was great. I didnt really buy anything and never felt outpaced. I am sad to see that it has shut down but the last time I fired it up there were almost no real players left so I understand. I hope something similar takes hold one day.
Steam User 7
Legendary game. I don't know of any game like it.
It had its problems, yes it had few players, maybe not as many maps and the inability to play with bots only.
But this game was atmospheric, fast where it needed to be, slow where it was enjoyable.
How I loved to shoot with my teammate, firing missiles at the enemy, using cover and playing as a team. Perhaps the pace of the game here was just perfect.
In addition, the beautiful ships and the vastness of the map were constantly pleasing to the eye.
It's a great game, underrated and sadly dead.
Rest in peace Dreadnought
Легендарная игра. Я не знаю ни одной игры похожей на эту
Она имела свои проблемы, да, в ней было мало игроков, возможно не так много карт и невозможность играть только с ботами.
Но эта игра была атмосферной, быстрой где нужно, медленной там где это приятно.
Как я любил вместе с сокомандником вести перестрелку с противником, обстреливая всех ракетами, используя укрытия и играя в команде. Пожалуй темп игры здесь был просто идеальным.
Помимо того глаз постоянно радовали красивые корабли и простор карты.
Это прекрасная игра, недооцененная и к сожалению погибшая.
Покойся с миром Dreadnought
Steam User 5
I miss playing this Game. I used to have a lot of fun with a friend on here and all of the different ships but now i can't play it anymore. I don't remember how far i got but I truly had fun playing this game when it was out.