Broken Age
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Broken Age is a timeless coming-of-age story of barfing trees and talking spoons. Vella Tartine and Shay Volta are two teenagers in strangely similar situations, but radically different worlds. The player can freely switch between their stories, helping them take control of their own lives, and dealing with the unexpected adventures that follow.
Steam User 10
good game but whoever invented those wire puzzles that generate different for every player... i hate u
Steam User 5
I'm honestly a little biased because this was the first game play-through I experienced so playing it myself was super nostalgic. Still, for anyone who enjoys point and click adventure games I would recommend. Visuals are beautiful, characters are funky & the story line/ twists are relatively good. One of my favourites :)
Steam User 5
While Broken Age clearly wasn’t everything that people hoped for after its historical Kickstarter campaign, it’s also not nearly as bad as some of the rebounded criticism made it out to be. Can Tim Schafer do better? Absolutely; he can and he did many times with other projects. Was it rushed and unfinished? Certainly; Act 2 barely has any new locations, while the story concludes so abruptly and with so many loose ends that it really feels like there should’ve been Act 3.
However, what’s present is still a solid adventure with a unique setting, beautiful art, loads of witty dialogues and engaging yet accessible puzzles (except for maybe a couple from Act 2, but they are nowhere near the sadistic level of some older genre classics). I’d also argue that it’s a better pick for an average player than many LucasArts games, since they rarely felt particularly conclusive too and were mostly focused on gags, while Broken Age manages to sneak in some reasonably thought-provoking social themes behind the barrage of funny conversations.
They say that the documentary was really the main star, while the game itself is just a side dish, but if you’re interested in adventure games, this is still a side dish worth biting into.
Steam User 4
Great characters and story, but I hate the ending. Really wish there was a third act to tie it all together.
Steam User 2
(My steamdeckhours do not show?)
A tribute to oldschool adventures.
I felt really at home with the non linear progress and inventory (and not only dull puzzlegame after puzzlegame like in some modern "adventures"). *I miss the days when you could make a mistake and be blasted by a Sarien ;D*
The Story was very good in totally misleading me into believing something that isn't there and then slowly piecing the pieces together just when/or close before they were revealed by the game.
I also liked a lot how the Stories where interlinked and showed different perspectives/consequences.
So the game left me with a good feeling of balance between being predictable (a.k.a. making me feel smart ;D) and surprising.
The Dialogues where fun, varied and thought through and they left a good impression.
Also Voiceactors felt suiting and did a good job (english).
The Graphics were also enjoyable (even if this comicstyle is a kind of artstyle i normally don't like)
It all fits together very well.
Only the ending left me wanting to continue, because it felt like it suddenly skipped to endscene/credits.
I have to admit after watching the credits with some endscenepictures it felt kind of complete.
But still.
So, even if there could be more in there, i can reccomend this largely well rounded package.
Steam User 2
This is a complicated one. The puzzles irritated me even with guides, and I stopped playing just before the ending. But I'm still giving it a thumbs up, and here is why:
This game was made in a different time. These kinds of point-and-click puzzle based adventure games were well and truly dead, no one was making them or buying them. Also, the way games were made, funded, and distributed were all changing. This was the biggest funded and most backed kickstarter game of its time. It broke new ground in game making, and revived the old genres in a fresh way.
The art is wonderful. The storytelling is fresh and fun. Even though graphics have improved in the decade since release, the hand-painted style endures. It is a joy to play.
Until it isn't. And that brings me back to the first part of my review. I don't hate all puzzles, but I hate the puzzles in this kind of adventure game. I loved the Lucasarts adventure games where the puzzles made sense, but really resent the Sierra ones that have puzzles that make no sense at all. And this game is in the second camp. All you can do is click on everything and try to combine everything and hope for the best.
And even that won't work all the time, because some of the scenes are like hidden object puzzles. I clicked on the whipped cream gun several times and couldn't get it, and eventually read a guide and figured out that I just had to click in a slightly different spot. Several rooms have things you can't click on until you do it twice, or do something else and return, so you may have thought it was non-interactive and wouldn't necessarily go back. It is all very frustrating.
And then there are the wiring puzzles. Most negative reviews mention them, and they are worse than you think. Not because they're hard, but because you have to flip scenes many times and consult notes (no in-game notes or reminders) and you'd never figure out the logic the clues are based on without guides.
But you know what? It is still a lovely game.
Just use a guide if you can't stand the puzzles. And if the wiring stuff is too irritating, just stop at the final chapter and watch a video of the ending or something.
Steam User 2
Played this after recently watching the Double Fine Adventure doc. I don't have previous experience with adventure games, but I'm so glad I gave this a shot! Loved the progression of difficulty, the humor, and the aesthetic! Some of the voice acting was a little stilted, but I loved every weird character. Bravo :)