Sheep are one of the most valuable types of livestock for your settlement in Manor Lords. They provide wool, necessary for yarn production and, subsequently, cloaks, and can also assist on your farms, increasing production efficiency and generating additional income.
Our article will guide you through all the stages of introducing sheep to your settlement, as well as how to use them to optimize farm operations and increase profits.
Acquiring Sheep

First and foremost, to begin raising sheep, you need to establish suitable infrastructure. Initially, you'll need to purchase sheep from the livestock market, which requires a significant amount of regional wealth. Then, you'll need a place to house the sheep - a farm, pasture, or upgrading your farm fields. A farm is also essential for shearing sheep.
Establishing Workshops

To process the wool obtained from the farm, you'll need a weaver's workshop. This will enable you to produce yarn, essential for creating various items. Additionally, for dyeing the yarn, you'll require a dyer's workshop, which transforms berries into dyes. Don't forget about the tailor's workshop, where you can craft cloaks from yarn and dyes.
Field Fertilization
One of the most beneficial aspects of keeping sheep is their ability to fertilize fallow farm plots. To do this, you'll need to invest in development to unlock the fertilization feature. This allows you to install fences on your fields and use them as pastures for sheep, enhancing soil fertility and increasing productivity.
Maturation of Lambs
Although breeding sheep may seem like an attractive option, it's essential to remember that in Manor Lords, the function of lambs maturing into sheep has not yet been implemented. Keep an eye on the number of lambs, as this can lead to market saturation and a decrease in wool production.

In conclusion, it's important to understand that maintaining sheep requires significant investment and managerial decisions. However, with the right approach, sheep can become a reliable source of wool and fertilizers, contributing to the successful development of your settlement in Manor Lords.