When establishing your first settlement in Manor Lords, you encounter the need to organize the production of planks essential for construction and development. However, the process can be unstable and challenging, especially in the initial stages when resources and logistics are not yet optimized. In this article, we will explore several strategies to increase the efficiency of plank production and optimize the use of oxen in your settlement.
Ensure an Adequate Supply of Raw Materials
Plank production relies on a continuous supply of timber to the sawpit. Ensure that your logging camp is consistently operational and supplies the sawmill with the necessary raw materials.

In addition to timber supply, it's crucial that your oxen are free to transport materials. Position the logging camp, sawmill, and hitching post as close to each other as possible to minimize resource transportation time.
Increase the Number of Oxen
One solution to increase plank production is to upgrade the hitching post into a small stable with additional capacity. It's also recommended to acquire additional oxen to enhance the speed of resource transportation. Ordering oxen is a straightforward way to acquire additional labor for your settlement. However, if you require more oxen than available for order, you can utilize the import option through the livestock trading post.

Purchasing additional oxen can be costly, so it's essential to ensure that your regional wealth supports stable finances. Explore trade logistics technologies to reduce import costs and maintain the stability of your settlement's economy. As your settlement grows and the demand for planks for new constructions increases, continue to optimize logistics and expand your oxen stables. They remain a crucial link in the logistical chain of your town and a significant factor in its development.
In conclusion, by improving logistics and resource management, you can ensure stable and efficient plank production in your settlement, which is a key element for successful development and prosperity in the world of Manor Lords.