Effective regional management requires a strategic approach, optimal resource utilization, and thoughtful planning. In this article, we will explore key aspects that will help you achieve success and sustainable development in your region.
Resources and Their Strategic Use
Steel: The Key Resource
The first step towards successful regional development is the exploration and exploitation of steel deposits. Steel is the most in-demand resource on the market, and steel blades retain their high value and profitability over time. For efficient steel extraction, it is recommended to first establish charcoal burners to ensure a steady supply of fuel for the smelters.

Alternative Resources: Clay and Stone
Clay also holds value, although tiles quickly depreciate in price. However, clay can be utilized for other purposes, such as brick production for construction. Unlike steel, stone cannot be upgraded to mines, making it a less prioritized resource in the early stages.
Food Production and Agriculture
Trapping and Hunting
To ensure a stable food supply, it is advisable to immediately set up trapping operations and set a limit on two-thirds of the animals. This will allow continuous meat harvesting even when the limit is reached. One hunting camp per five houses will suffice for meeting the town's needs. It is crucial to coordinate the activities of lumberjacks and foresters for uninterrupted wood supply.
Beekeeping and Honey: Efficiency Assessment
Honey production through beekeeping is not cost-effective: five units of honey per month for 30 houses is insufficient. A more rational solution is to buy honey to diversify the market's assortment. Opening wax production is also not recommended, as candles sell poorly and consume many resources.
Grain Purchase

It is more profitable to buy grain than to grow it. Harvesting from a large field in optimal time is challenging, and maintaining soil fertility requires significant investment in plows, fertilizers, and crop rotation. Ordering grain and rye from the trading post is optimal for price stabilization and sustainable supply.
Housing Construction and Planning
Efficient Land Use
For a town with 30 houses, it is recommended to allocate 10 plots each for chickens and carrots. Plots with the possibility of expansion are unnecessary since third-level households will have enough residents to handle most tasks. Chicken farms can be placed on minimally short plots, guided by the size of the tavern, and larger plots for gardens, guided by the size of the church.
Infrastructure Development

The first workshop should be a shoemaker's workshop, as skins come from the trapping operations. For the tavern's needs, one house should be designated for a brewery. A forge producing blades will be a primary source of income, but it can temporarily switch to spear production for the militia if needed. Only one carpenter's workshop is necessary to avoid overproduction and market saturation. The fifth workshop can be either a tailor's or an armorer's, depending on the region's specialization.
Trade and Economic Development
Trading Post and Trade Routes
Building a trading post and assigning a permanent trader are crucial steps towards successful trading. In the early stages, trading raw materials with a limit of 10 units is advisable. After opening ten trade routes, a small stable with horses can be built to simplify goods transportation. It is important to buy out all mercenary units before claiming a region to prevent their use by opponents.

Military Strategy and Defense
Enhancing Influence and Military Power
Establishing church tithes allows for a gradual increase in influence by donating surplus products to the church. Building a watchtower doubles the limit of the personal guard, enabling reliance solely on the guard and mercenaries without reducing town productivity.
Battle Tactics
Mercenaries should lead the attack, followed by the personal guard. It is better to use the militia as archers to preserve the workforce in the town. In battle, it is preferable to occupy high ground so the enemy loses strength when attacking uphill. Central troops should slowly retreat, luring the enemy into an encirclement, with spearmen attacking from the flanks and swordsmen completing the encirclement.
By following these recommendations, you will be able to effectively manage the development of your region, ensuring its sustainable growth and prosperity. This comprehensive approach will allow you to achieve maximum results and successfully address emerging challenges.