In Palworld, hatching eggs proves to be one of the most effective methods for expanding your Pal collection. Through this process, not only do you replenish your collection, but with a bit of luck, you might acquire a Pal you've never encountered before.
First and foremost, you need to understand how to obtain an Incubator in Palworld. Placing it within your base enables you to embark on the quest to find eggs. However, before doing so, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the Palworld egg list to determine which eggs hatch into Pals of specific types.
Hatching eggs is not as straightforward as it may seem, especially if the Incubator appears a bit cold. In this article, we will provide a solution to this issue as part of our educational program on hatching eggs in Palworld.
Where to Find Eggs in Palworld
Acquiring eggs in Palworld can be achieved through two primary methods: finding them in the wild or obtaining them through breeding.

When searching for eggs in the wild, keep an eye out for small nests with eggs inside. Experience suggests that eggs are more commonly found near rocky outcrops or on cliffs. Eggs found in the wild are expected to respawn after a few days.
It's important to note that among the three egg sizes – Regular, Large, and Huge – Regular Eggs are the easiest to find in the wild, while Huge Eggs are the rarest.
For those who prefer a more structured approach, eggs can be obtained through breeding Pals. This method is ideal for breeding specific Pals with powerful abilities for managing your base or engaging in battles.

To breed Pals, however, you must first reach Level 19 and unlock the Mixed Farm for two Technology Points.
To construct the Mixed Farm, you will need:
- Wood - 100
- Stone - 20
- Fiber - 50
How to Obtain an Incubator in Palworld
To acquire an Incubator in Palworld, you must reach Level 7. At this point, access to the seventh row in the 'Technology' menu is granted, allowing you to unlock the Incubator using two Ancient Technology Points.
Ancient Technology Points can be earned by defeating bosses, such as the Rayne Syndicate Tower boss.

To build an Incubator, you will need the following resources:
- Paldium Fragment - 10
- Cloth - 5
- Stone - 30
- Ancient Civilization Parts - 2
How to Hatch Eggs in Palworld
To hatch an egg in Palworld, place it in an Incubator. A timer will then appear on the Incubator, indicating how much real-world time you'll have to wait until the egg hatches. The time is determined by the egg's size and type. For example, Common Eggs hatch faster than Frozen Eggs.
You can decrease the hatching time by increasing the Incubation Speed. This requires meeting any additional criteria the egg may have, such as maintaining the right temperature. Keep in mind that this criteria changes depending on the type of egg you're trying to hatch. For instance, Scorching Eggs, which hatch Fire-type Pals, prefer to be kept warm, while Damp Eggs for Water-types need cooler temperatures.
Once you've met the criteria, if applicable, you'll see the words 'Seems very comfortable,' and the Incubation Speed will be at '+100%'. Now all you have to do is wait for the egg to hatch. If it's going to take a long time, you can leave the Incubator and hatch the Pal when it's ready.
If your party is full, the Pal will be automatically sent to the Pal Box.
How to Keep Eggs Warm in Palworld
A challenge you might encounter while hatching eggs in Palworld is the Incubator claiming the egg 'seems a little cold.' When this happens, the Incubation Speed decreases, meaning it will take longer to hatch.
An egg might grow cold either because it hatches a Pal that prefers warmer temperatures, like a Fire-type, or your Incubator is placed outside and night has fallen, bringing the cold with it.
One simple way to keep your eggs warm is to place the Incubator inside a building. The downside to this is that eggs that prefer colder temperatures won't be very comfortable in this Incubator, so it's a good idea to build another Incubator outside.

If your Incubator is already outside, you can build a Campfire next to it. While this will only cost you 10 Wood, it will only increase the Incubation Speed to 50%.
Instead, the best way to keep eggs warm outside is to build a Heater. This is unlocked at Level 17 and costs two Technology Points.
You will need a Fire-type Pal at your base to operate the heater, and building it requires:
- Ingot - 20
- Charcoal - 10
- Flame Organ - 5
Palworld Eggs List
Palworld features nine different kinds of eggs – one for each Pal type – and each one can come in three sizes: Regular, Large, and Huge. The specific Pal that hatches from an egg is determined by both the kind of egg and its size. Consequently, the larger the egg, the more likely you are to hatch a rare Pal.
Here are the nine different kinds of eggs and what they yield:
- Common Egg - Neutral Pal
- Damp Egg - Water Pals
- Dark Egg - Dark Pal
- Dragon Egg - Dragon Pal
- Electric Egg - Electric Pal
- Frozen Egg - Ice Pal
- Rocky Egg - Ground Pal
- Scorching Egg - Fire Pal
- Verdant Egg - Grass Pal