In the vast and treacherous world of Elden Ring, players are continually tested by formidable foes. One of the earliest and most daunting adversaries you'll face in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC is the Furnace Golem. Much like the Tree Sentinel in the main game, the Furnace Golem sets the stage for the challenging battles ahead, proving that Elden Ring doesn’t hold back when it comes to early-game difficulty.
Who is Furnace Golem
Encountering the first Furnace Golem in the Gravesite Plain can be a daunting experience. This towering, fiery behemoth is not classified as a boss, but its strength rivals that of many bosses you'll face later in the game. Its intimidating presence and formidable attacks make it a significant challenge that requires strategy and preparation to overcome.
Preparing for battle
Successfully defeating a Furnace Golem requires more than just brute force; strategic preparation is key. Essential to your arsenal are Hefty Fire Pots and Hefty Furnace Pots. These items can be crafted, but acquiring the necessary materials involves defeating a Furnace Golem to begin with. This paradox means that your initial encounter will be particularly challenging without these potent items.

For players just starting out, gathering Scadutree Fragments can significantly enhance your chances of survival. These fragments increase your resilience, giving you an edge in battle.
Battle strategy
Once you engage a Furnace Golem, you'll need to be ready for a variety of attacks. From a distance, the Golem will launch fireballs from its hands and feet and unleash jets of flame. As you close the gap, it will perform explosive jumps and stomps. Dodging these attacks requires precise timing; jump just as its feet hit the ground to avoid the blast radius.

Maintaining a position behind the Furnace Golem is advantageous. Here, you can avoid its most devastating frontal attacks, including a sweeping grab that can result in instant death if you’re thrown into its flaming basket. Summoning a Spirit Ash, particularly the Mimic Tear, can help divert the Golem's attention and alleviate some of the pressure on you during the fight.
If you have managed to craft Hefty Fire or Furnace Pots, using them effectively is crucial. To land a Hefty Pot in the Golem’s basket, you need to either position yourself above the Golem or bring it down to your level. Some Furnace Golems lack leg armor, allowing you to break their stance by targeting their legs. Once downed, you can deliver a critical hit to its face or throw a Hefty Pot into its basket. Repeat this process to defeat the Golem.

For those Golems with leg armor, you’ll need to exploit the terrain to gain the necessary height advantage. Alternatively, ranged attacks aimed at the Golem’s face can be effective, though they require patience and precision.
Defeating a Furnace Golem is not only a significant achievement but also comes with valuable rewards. You will receive DLC Crystal Tears, which enhance your Wondrous Physick flask, providing powerful buffs. Additionally, Furnace Golems drop Furnace Visages, essential for crafting Hefty Furnace Pots. These pots are particularly useful for subsequent encounters with armored Furnace Golems.
After conquering your first Furnace Golem, the journey in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC continues with even more challenging encounters. The experience and rewards gained from these battles will equip you with the skills and items necessary to face the tougher enemies and bosses that await.
In conclusion, the Furnace Golem stands as a testament to the challenging nature of Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. With the right preparation, strategic combat, and effective use of items, you can overcome this formidable foe and reap the rewards that will aid you in your epic journey through the Lands Between.