In the world of Elden Ring, few challenges are as formidable as facing Bael the Dread. Like other dragon bosses, Bael possesses a massive health pool, powerful sweeping attacks, and a mix of fire and lightning magic that can devastate unprepared players. However, with the right strategy and preparation, you can triumph in this tough battle.
Description of Bael the Dread
Bael the Dread shares many traits with other dragon adversaries in Elden Ring. His attacks are slow but deal massive damage, making defense a crucial aspect of the fight. In some ways, Bael can be considered a "puzzle boss," similar to Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy, or Yhorm the Giant. While he can be defeated with any weapon, the game suggests using the Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana. This weapon, obtained after defeating the Ancient Dragon-Man at Jagged Peak, deals extra damage to dragons and has a powerful skill called "Dragonwound Slash," allowing you to attack from a safe distance. Ensure you have enough Cerulean Tears for the long fight.
Preparation and Strategy

Before battling Bael, enlist the aid of Drake Warrior Igon. Completing his side quest, mostly contained within Jagged Peak, culminates in him assisting you in the fight against Bael, seeking his revenge. Completing this quest rewards you with Igon's Greatbow, his armor set, and his Bell Bearing. Do not deny Igon his revenge; his assistance can be invaluable.
First Phase: Attack Patterns and Counterattacks
Upon entering Bael's lair, be prepared for various long-range attacks. His primary attacks include:

- Direct Fire Breath: Bael's direct fire attack can be avoided by running perpendicular to its path.
- Wide Fire Stream: This sweeping fire attack can be dodged by rolling through it, providing a brief window for counterattacks.
- Jumping Slam: Bael leaps into the air and crashes down. Dodge backward as he descends to avoid damage and attack his head.
- Bite/Grab Attack: Bael crouches, charges electricity, and lunges forward. Dodge backward and counterattack his head.
- Wing Jab: He pulls his wing back before lunging forward. Dodge backward to avoid the attack and follow up with a head strike.
In melee range, Bael alternates between various bites and slams. Notable close-range attacks include:
- Lightning Slam: He raises his claw, charges it with electricity, and slams it down. Dodge as he swings down and counterattack.
- Four-Hit Combo: Consists of a left claw punch, two quick right claw sweeps, and a lightning slam. Dodge the second swing to avoid both, then dodge the lightning slam and attack.
- Two-Bite Combo: Bael pulls his head back and bites twice. Roll backward with each bite to avoid damage.
- Tail Sweep: Bael jumps over you, lands, and swings his tail. Roll through the tail to get close to his head for a counterattack.
- Downward Fire Breath: He breathes fire directly beneath him. Run backward to avoid the fire, then use ranged attacks or wait for the fire to dissipate before engaging in melee.
- Charged Lightning: Bael roars, creating an AoE that knocks you back and summons lightning. Avoid these by running or rolling and be aware of Bael's follow-up attacks.

Second Phase: Enhanced Aggression and New Abilities
At around 60% health, Bael enters the second phase, marked by a dramatic music cutoff and a powerful energy blast. This phase introduces several new attack properties and abilities:
- Enhanced Lightning Attacks: Many of Bael's attacks now have lightning properties with follow-up lightning strikes. Watch the ground and dodge left or right to avoid these strikes.
- Multi-Hit Lightning Slam: This chained attack can lead to other combos. Be cautious before attacking to ensure he is not preparing for another strike.
- Powerful Lightning Slam: When Bael holds his claw up longer and his wings appear, run away immediately to avoid the massive explosion.
- Magma Bursts: His jumping slam now causes magma bursts. Avoid the red spots on the ground before attacking.
- Flying Fire Breath: Bael flies up and breathes fire from above. Roll through the flames as he flies left to right, then again as he breathes fire directly at you.

As the battle progresses, Bael may reuse his explosive and fireball attacks, so be ready to retreat and heal. With the Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana and Drake Warrior Igon's assistance, you can defeat Bael the Dread.
Defeating Bael the Dread rewards you with Bael's Heart and 490,000 runes. Visit the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion to exchange the heart for Bael's powerful incantations.
Defeating Bael the Dread is a testament to your skill and strategy in Elden Ring. Equip well, prepare thoroughly, and claim your well-deserved rewards.