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Deathstreak is a first-person melee combat action game. Reach your goal by overcoming enemies and environmental obstacles. Try to understand the cause and background of events. Once you reach the top of the castle, your mission will be completed.
Defeat enemies with blades attached to your arms.
Kill those who stand in your way with the throwables you collect from the environment.
Kill enemies before they have a chance to attack
Cling to walls to overcome obstacles and reach enemies in different ways.
Get ready for tough challenges against bosses.
Steam User 0
As of review, I've only gotten past the first episode and that consisted of like 10-ish maps. There are some major rough edges (For me personally, when getting at higher speeds the camera shake is HEAVY and the wall spike traps kill the flow of the level, but you can probably deflect them), but I've seen AAA teams fuck up melee combat harder than this $5 solo dev title. Worth the price, hope they keep improving their craft.
Steam User 0
Alright boyyysss. This game is incredibly fun. It can definitely be janky at times, and it's pretty hard, but the core gameply loop is incredibly satisfying. I'd give it an 8/10, definitely worth it. Now onto the specifics.
The bad: Besides the occasional jank, some weapons can't be picked up, which is annoying and odd. The opening cutscene goes by too fast so I can't read it. I'd also prefer it if Zec didn't attack you while talking. I like the idea of him just teleporting around until he finishes. I don't think there needed to be so many equipment items. The smoke bombs don't seem to do anything. I'd have just done knives and bombs for simplicity's sake.
The good: The core gameplay loop is incredibly satisfying. One-hit kills were a great call and makes every combat encounter tense. It also fits well with the artstyle. The variety of weapons is surprisingly deep, just tweaks to which hurts enemy poise, which one is fastest, etc. but it helps things from getting stale. I really like the artstyle. There's quite a bit of variance from floor to floor which again, helps keep things fresh. The lore is really really cool, though it'd be nice if it were a bit easier to follow. The bosses were all distinct from each other- which I liked -and the music was groovy. I think this game would be super fun to speedrun too.