XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
XCOM® 2: War of the Chosen, is the expansion to the 2016 award-winning strategy game of the year. XCOM® 2: War of the Chosen adds extensive new content in the fight against ADVENT when additional resistance factions form in order to eliminate the alien threat on Earth. In response, a new enemy, known as the “Chosen,” emerges with one goal: recapture the Commander. This expansion includes new Hero classes to counter the “Chosen”, new enemies, missions, environments and increased depth in strategic gameplay. Three additional factions have emerged to strengthen Earth's resistance – the Reapers, Skirmishers and Templars – each with its own unique abilities and contrasting philosophies. These factions provide powerful hero class soldiers to aid in missions and new opportunities for the strategy layer.
Steam User 24
Why does this have mixed recent reviews? This DLC is an incredible expansion on the base game covering up several weaknesses, provides some replayability, and adds so much content. And, it even makes the story much more sensible, while tying in story beats from the previous main title.
Steam User 12
Finished the game without WOTC expansion pack, then few years later purchased WOTC and play it again it seems playing a new game, also solid DLC.
Xcom 3 when?
Steam User 11
You come for the difficult tactical game play, but you stay for the My Dress Up Soldier customization and to turn your squad of hardened spec-ops killers into the entire cast of Futurama and Archer. 10/10
Steam User 11
Pretty much the definitive version of Xcom 2. Pretty much completely overhauls the core game in a separate executable in a positive way. Adds way more depth to the lore and so much more content in terms of missions, maps and abilities that they couldve easily released this as Xcom 3 - hence the price and massive file size
Steam User 8
There's no other way to play XCOM 2. WOTC adds The Chosen, which are three powerful alien bosses that constantly re-appear in missions no matter how often you defeat them on the field. As the months progress, they get stronger and stronger, ultimately launching an attack on home base.
While they don't net you a game over if you survive the attack, they add another status bar that pressures you to lower it and handle its growth. Because as The Chosen increase their status bars over the months, they get stronger and weaken XCOM via a variety of nerfs or perils. Such as enemy aliens having a chance to move after attacking, or reducing income in certain regions.
I can see why some might find handling four progress bars difficult. The base game has The Avatar project, which basically pushes you to raid alien bases and progress in the story to reduce its growth. Once complete, it's game over. Add to that three aliens that require their own missions (via the Resistance Ring) to reduce each ones progress, and you're now juggling status bars.
I remember a specific point in my playthrough where both The Avatar Project and one of The Chosen were at 80%, and I was hurriedly trying to get a unit to Major rank so that I could take on the final 'Find the Chosen base' mission. But I enjoyed the juggling. So your mileage may vary.
Once you finish one Chosen off you already have the pre-requisites to finish the others off (which requires a soldier in the Major rank). All that remains is doing the pre-requisite 'Find the Chosen base' missions (3 for each Chosen). So a downside is that once one is defeated, the others fall quickly.
But the XCOM games have that part towards the end where you're overpowered and everything falls before you, so it isn't unique to the DLC as much as it's endemic to the game (and franchise) as a whole. Despite this, I still believe the DLC is mandatory for any playthrough of the game.
You get small quality of life updates and additions. Like the radio chatter when completing a mission, or in base. The added cutscenes expanding on the story. And, of course, the new units that greatly experiment with the game mechanics.
Skirmishers focus on multiple actions per turn, with a hook to attack and/or get around. Templars are melee units that have a power bar that fills with each attack/kill, and unlock psionic abilities. And Reapers, the star of the three, focus on unique stealth mechanics that allow them to attack from the shadows. With this level of creativity I can see XCOM 3 (if it ever gets made) having very unique combat units, if this is anything to go by.
I'd easily rate it a 10 on 10. I really enjoyed WOTC, and it's less 'DLC' in the traditional way that it's viewed, and more of a complete expansion of the game. It's absolutely required to get the full XCOM2 experience.
Steam User 5
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen is a wonderful turn-based strategy game (DLC) that has been supported by the modding community. I highly recommend it :)
Steam User 5
XCOM2 already perfected the squad-based TRPG formula. With this expansion it adds even more narrative flavour to an already incredible game. After 4 years, I returned to it for my third full run with this DLC enabled. And it's better than I remembered. It leans more into the action-flick aspects of the XCOM universe, without too much showboating. Good to be back. Now take my money and bring us XCOM3 please.