World of Soccer RELOADED
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World of Soccer RELOADED is a free-to-play multiplayer soccer game. What makes it unique is the ability to control only one player instead of the entire team, simple graphics and mechanism requiring a whole bunch of skill to master! Are you as talented and skilled player as you think? Let’s find out and see if you and your team can get to the top during many competitions like our League, 2v2 tournaments or the NEW Match Making mode!
Fast Paced Tatical Soccer
Unlimited Progress Opportunity
Simple But Awesome Graphics That Your PC Will Easily Handle!
World of Soccer RELOADED Brings to you many amazing ways to compete amongst the other teams and players! Have you got what it takes to become a super-star? Top scorer in the league? We’re waiting for you to show us what you’ve got! Become a part of this highly competitive game NOW for FREE!
Steam User 1
this game is amazing come nad play!
Steam User 1
Steam User 1
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