World Basketball Tycoon
WBM Tycoon is a fresh look in sports strategy games that combines the classic manager game with the financial management and development of a Tycoon type game.
As the Club Owner you must generate (or loan) the necessary funds in order to expand the club’s facilities, raise the financial level and improve the team’s roster.
And as you remain the Manager you are still in charge of the Player’s training program and when the match day comes, you have to select the team lineup, create the most appropriate strategy and find the way to victory by countering the opposing manager’s plans.
• Worldwide basketball action from all leagues
• Over 1,000 teams including national and international teams
• Over 12,500 basketball players
• Over 1,200 managers
• Over 100 full playing national and international competitions
• Challenging A.I.
• Daily news coverage from around the league
• Realistic basketball statistics and atmosphere
• Easy to use data editor with access to the full database
• In-game player search engine
• Different responsibilities involving Manager, Owner and Financial Manager
• Online Manager World Ranking
Steam User 2
Not such a bad game. Yes, there are bugs, yes, some menus are incorrect or misplaced or the text in them is transparent and you can't read it. And so many missing things, even the most basic ones, like comparing the attributes of one of your players with another player in the world (i haven't figured out how to do that yet!). But, i like the managerial tycoon part of the game (setting ticket prices and expanding the arena) and the CORE of the gameplay, the algorithm of the match, its there, it exists, and its rather good. Still no 2D or 3D representation but only text commentary, but for me its OK, reminds me of the old times playing Football Manager 00/01. Also one good thing is that you can quit the game and save during a match, which is missing from FM for example. Also, the game is rather light with respect to system requirements, the loading and processing times are not so big (even for my low low end laptop). As other reviewers have mentioned, there exist a real names patch and a graphics patch for face picks, so don't be discouraged by the lack of licencing. I would give it a 7/10. Without doubt, a lot of work has to be done by the developers (who are Greek like me) as ti seems like an unfinished product, but the basic framework is set. If you like Basketball AND text sports sims with a flavor of tycoon elements, give it a try and be patient. For all the others, not recommended.
Steam User 11
It's an ok game if you love basketball and old school sim games....I love both, and I enjoy this game, but would probably give it a 3/5.
Still, a lot could be improved to make this a great game, in my opinion:
The load times are incredibly long.
The game gives you VERY little control unless you want to coach during the games, I, personally, would rather set up rotations, offensive/defensive settings, etc. and let a computer coach run the game. Instead, you can sim games, but you have no control at all over the depth chart, offense/defense used, etc. Like I said, I want to be the GM, but don't want to do quite s much coaching.
There's not really any scouting. This would be an obvious and great addition. In signing International players it would be great to find diamonds in the rough/find overrated guys on the decline. Instead you just see their ratings, which is slightly boring, and also unrealistic.
It's a good game. It's interesting trying to build teams in different countries and leagues around the world. But, it could be a great game, and, right now, it doesn't fit that bill.
Steam User 25
This is a game for serious sports fans. If you really like basketball and/or other games in the genre such as Football Manager, then you will like this game. It doesn't offer a lot graphically, but it is very detailed as far as managing a team and using analytics to create the best team possible. It can be very difficult, but you can turn the difficulty settings down before launching the game. Buy this if you want a deeply detailed basketball management experience and don't mind that it runs pretty much like a browser game. I have a longer review available on Corrupted Cartridge.
Steam User 31
This is a higly underatted game mainly cause of the bad interface graphics. If you like basketball and Football Manager series, this is what you need. Deep simulation of basketball and a huge, but huge database.
You must see the Tutorial video and read the manual in order to fully understand how to play. Unfortunately the interface is not very good but after you learn how to play it is impossible to stop!
I strongly reccomend this game for sport manager fans.
En Español, ya que soy de Argentina, aprovechando que tenemos una buena camada de jugadores!
Creo que es un juego subestimado por los gráficos, la verdad, que si te gusta el basket y la serie de Football Manager, entenderás que es normal: una gran simulación de juegos y una base de datos enorme.
Recomiendo que vean el video del tutorial y el manual para entender como jugar; y si bien la interfaz no es la mejor, una vez que aprendes a jugar es dificil parar.
Recomiendo el juego a los fanáticos de los juegos de manager de deportes.
Steam User 24
A great old school sport manager.
This game will make only a small percentage of gamers happy. But it will make them really happy!
Don’t play this game if you don’t like old school manager games. But if you do, you will be really satisfied with the simulation of the basketball world and most of all with the Artificial intelligence of the opponent CPU managers.
The game lucks in visuals but it makes up with a huge database that includes all serious basketball action on the planet.
Don’t worry about the fake names. You will easily find a patch to fix that online.
Steam User 18
Very nice for all manager and tycoon game fans. It has a huge database that includes all the basketball action in the world and is not focused only on NBA, which is a huge plus for me. So you can make a career in Spain, Argentina or even Korea.
At first I was a little put off by the fake names in the database, but after I found the real names patch from
I have been a Football Manager fan for many years and I believe that other sport manager fans will enjoy this game, especially older players that used to play the FM series before the 2D graphic engine was added.
Steam User 0
I played this for 40 minutes and in this time i learned a lot. I learned that there is a man called Grlinnty Kuckingstalionisms, There is an infinite amount of piss to fill bars, Dinver Noggets is a team and The Ditroit Pustons are great. I also learned that a basket ball team has 5 players
Unfortunately when it came to play my first game it encountered an unexpected error and all my glorious progress was lost.
7/10 too much water