Wizard of Legend
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Wizard of Legend is a fast paced dungeon crawler with rogue-like elements that emphasizes dynamic magical combat. Quick movement and even quicker use of spells will allow you to chain spells together to unleash devastating combinations against your enemies! Gameplay Battle your way through each challenge by defeating powerful conjured enemies! Collect valuable spells and relics and build up your magical arsenal to fit your playstyle! Achieve mastery over magic by chaining spells together to create devastating combinations! Face and defeat council members in magical combat to become a Wizard of Legend!
Steam User 67
As I near my 700th hour playing both the main game and the pvp, I figure I should leave a review..
Wizard of legend is an action rogue-like dungeon crawler where you (and a friend if you like) take control of wizards who sling spells ranging from fireballs to earth fists to tornado izuna drops in order to attack and combo enemies.
This game is a beautiful mix of player expression through choice of element, reminiscent of an Avatar: The Last Airbender quiz, and choice of combat style. No matter how you choose to play there is something for you. The games spell list is as diverse as it is cool and fun to use, letting anyone BE anyone. The robe and item you choose to start your runs with also further cement the choices you make in your spell list for a loadout that is as effective as it is all your own. There are summons, beams, flame kicks, wind turbines, lightning leaps, tidal waves, ice daggers, earthquakes; There is just so much you can combine or specialize in and its all sick.
Gameplay: 9.5/10
The combat system is fantastic and satisfying to engage in for pve and pvp alike. Granted, the game could use a dedicated pvp variant in the same vain as Duelists of Eden being spawned from One Step from Eden, but its still more than sufficient. PvE wise the gameplay is just stellar, the only genuine issue i have being that its all close corridors environments and not really as open and free as a game like this might appreciate. Not a necessity, but would've liked that a bit more.
Music: 8/10
Soundtrack is great all around, there isn't a single unlikable track here yet nothing legendary. Very intense and dramatic alot of the time and accompanies your 30 hit combo into a charged signature real nicely.
Graphics: 8/10
Beautiful pixel art galore, and just a fantastic job making all those spells come to life. A little simple at times, when looking at character sprites but it's more than forgivable.
Story: X/10
Listen, its fun to read what little of a story there is here but it really doesn't matter. Ignore it if you like, it will likely not change how you feel about the game.
Overall: 9/10
Wizard of Legend is easily my favorite game in the genre, and I've never felt so allowed to be me, so allowed to do so many different effective and cool things, and never have I felt so happy to see wizards/mages on the screen. It also doubles as the greatest way to play something akin to Avatar. Please give this game a chance. There is nothing like it.
Steam User 31
could you guys make online multiplayer a thing? or at least open some kinda workshop so someone else can do it? i love the couch co-op but i think adding an online option would be awesome. Love the game I've played it for hours but please make an online option.
Steam User 22
Best friggin game ever. One of my all time favorites.
The game has a fast pace, and everything is balanced around it. Encounters are sudden and unpredictable, your moves are fast and feel great to use, making you excited to use them, you get bonuses for going fast but the game punishes rushing : traps are easy to avoid, but do a lot of damage to the unatentive player, enemies are predictable and much slower than you but they hit hard and can easily combo you between them if you don't pay attention to all enemies, items stack up so saving up for the best of the best is a good idea, but only buying boosts after completing a level can cost you time, health or just plain money.
On top of the great level design, the game looks good, it has lots of little details, the bosses who barely have any dialogue still manage to convey their own unique personalities, even background npc's are charming.
The gameplay is the best point. Simple little twin stick shooter where you choose your own attacks : 4 unique spells that you can equip, choosing from a pool of over 150 unique spells. Some aren't all that original, but they're all viable and a good 70% are fun and unique. On top of that your spells are affected by items and your cloak, allowing for dozens of completely unique builds, all being able to be custom fitted to any unique playstyle.
The one neutral thing is the roguelique aspect : the map layout becomes repetitive after a few hours. It doesn't affect the gameplay much, and even helps when speedrunning, but a greater diversity of hallways and rooms would have been much appreciated. Although for beginners, being able to predict where enemies will spawn from helps a lot with the difficulty curve, so not all bad. And of course, the bosses are probably the best (though not most important) part of the game, and there is a boss rush mode, allowing you to skip the maze exploration if you really can't stand it.
All in all, the game is reactive, it's got a great core gameplay loop, it feels great to play, it looks pretty good, it has incredible replayability especialy if you factor in the multiple game modes, all that from a tiny studio who hadn't made any other game.
Steam User 18
Good game for the price there is a small learning curve then the game gets fun
Steam User 11
This game is great, but out of all my hours playing it I need to say this: The stagger is too much. I've played hours and hours and hours, and while I realize there are items that reduce/eliminate your character's stagger. it's far too dramatic at baseline. Pretty much every boss can trap you in a situation where you can't move and eliminate huge chunks of your health bar, even with the void rift dash. This should not happen and is a huge, ugly, disgusting brown spot on this otherwise perfect game.
Steam User 11
Wizard of Legend is a fun roguelite that offers some addicting combat and a fun gameplay loop. I would recommend this game to both people who enjoy action games and people who like roguelites. That being said, the game isn't perfect. I have a few minor gripes that definitely do not ruin the game, but they are kind of annoying. I wrote a big huge long review with my issues laid out in a list, but I figure it'd be much more readable to summarize my issues.
Invincibility is hard to come by, leading you to have to play really cautiously and in a hit-and-run style to avoid getting comboed by several enemies. You have no invincibility when you get hit, nor a way to end your hitstun early, meaning you can and will lose a lot of hitpoints if you get cornered by two or more enemies. The lack of invincibility on the dash and the speed at which some enemies retaliate after leaving hitstun makes the first dash you get, a dash that drags enemies with you, absolutely detrimental.
The game doesn't really do a good job of telling you information. Stuff like your overall stats, such as damage taken by specific elements, damage dealt by specific elements, and all that would be very welcomed. A glossary explaining some of the terms would be amazing as well.
The combo system isn't really explained all that well. Sometimes, I'll get spells that absolutely will not combo, and with the aforementioned quick retaliation by some enemies, I'll eat damage for trying to use them in a combo.
Despite my issues, I still recommend the game. If you enjoy games that let you fling gusts of wind at enemies to push them off platforms or really like the idea of using a spell that lets you just wail on enemies with fists of fire, you'll get a real kick out of Wizard of Legend.
Steam User 10
It was really satisfying to become better at beating the game, not by getting more upgrades that made yourself inherently stronger, but by mastering the tools available and finding better combinations of them. While one unlocked more and more arcana and artefacts it didnt feel like they were much better or worse that the alternatives, they just seemed to suit a diffrent approch to win.