Willy Morgan and the Curse of Bone Town
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Willy Morgan is a third-person adventure game, set in a fantasy pirate-themed world with a modern touch. Combining the traditional point-and-click genre gameplay with a unique cartoon 3D graphics, Willy Morgan has the dreamy atmosphere, the humor and the freedom to explore typical of timeless classics such as Monkey Island. The story unfolds through funny dialogues and challenging puzzles. Keen powers of observation, intuition and imagination are going to be needed in order to succeed and ultimately find the truth. Non-linear gameplay – Explore without constraint, collect items and solve brilliant puzzles Unique graphic style – A fanciful deformed world with a magical atmosphere Full HD quality – Cinematographic cutscenes and over 50 locations to see A Pirate world with a modern twist – Pirates and computers…? Well, why not! 15 NPCs to interact with – Learn about the story through several hours of interactive dialogues packed with irony and easter eggs Original soundtrack – More than 2 hours of original music 10 years have passed since the mysterious disappearance of Willy's father, the famous archaeologist Henry Morgan. One day, the postman delivers him a strange letter: “If you receive this letter, it means that something went wrong and it’s up to you to finish what I started. Go as fast as you can to Bone Town, room 09, but don't trust anyone…”
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Aventura grafica en 3D interactiva, es nota que te feina amb els personatges, pero els escenaris ni fu ni fa, els trobo agradables de veure pero tampoc son una meravella, aixo si, la musica del joc fantastica, no em cansaria d'escoltar-la.
Els trencaclosques no es que siguin dificils si seguiu les pautes d'aquests jocs: parlar amb tot deu, ser curiosos, i anant probant solucions. El joc t'indica en tot moment que pots fer i que no, donant pistes, i quant no n'hi ha, queda la vostra imaginació.
No es gaire llarg el joc, i la historia aunque te llogica es molt simple i sembla mes un joc per a nens pero com que ha estat entretingut, el deixo com un homenatge a l'epoca d'or de la pirateria, te unes quantes referencies (ous de pasqua) molt clars d'altres personatges dintre del mateix mon de la pirateria, encara que per mi, els esmentats estan massa forçats.
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