Whispers of a Machine
Whispers of a Machine is a Sci-Fi Nordic Noir that tells the story of Vera, a cybernetically augmented special agent tasked with investigating a string of murders. These brutal killings obscure a sinister truth, as Vera soon finds ties to a group of fanatics committed to creating an AI superintelligence — a pursuit outlawed for nearly a century. Complicating things, a great loss from Vera's past comes back to haunt her, making her question her own sanity and everything she stands for. As an agent of the Central Bureau, Vera is equipped with an advanced nano-substance called Blue. This rare and sought-after technology allows her to develop superhuman abilities adapted to her psychological mindset. Choose your playstyle and utilize these augmentations to investigate, gather information, and solve puzzles with multiple solutions. Will Vera’s unique blend of skills and intuition be enough to solve the case, or will she discover that things are more ambiguous than they seemed? In this emotionally gripping story with existential twists and multiple endings, Vera's actions will have monumental consequences not only for herself, but for all of humanity…
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前精英特工隐身接近半米之内竟然打不中一个大活人,are you kidding?
Steam User 5
#Humble Choice January 7/10,还不错,但距离优秀还有一点距离。一个典型的以硬汉侦探为主角的科幻故事,一些部分有点海伯利安的意思。剧情中有不少反转,不过都比较生硬。谜题质量倒还都可以,看得出来是用心想过的。低分辩率的画风见仁见智吧,反正我还还蛮吃这一套的。BGM和配音的质量都还不错。另外本作没有官中,不过英文的难度还算适中,有一定基础的朋友可以直接啃生肉。
Steam User 1
世界观挺复杂的。但反而没有Kathy Rain那种美国乡下州的Cult电影风好玩了。
But still better than 底特律变人。
Steam User 1
捏妈直接忘了剧情 云里雾里地玩完
Cardi B点烟.gif
Steam User 0
The dubbing is very good, but I have to point out a small flaw: there is no manual save so I can only automatically save after the clues are all collected, which makes it easy for me to get stuck (well, I admit it is a problem with my IQ.....
And last, we need CHINEESE!!
正在玩,因为是科幻背景感觉有些词还是挺困难的...哎 我卡关可能就是吃了文化的亏?
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