We’ll always have Paris
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We’ll always have Paris is a short narrative experience about loving someone with dementia.
This is the story of Simon Smith, a retired chef who lives with Claire, his wife of fifty years. Claire is slowly losing her memory, and Simon must balance his love for her with his desire to maintain normality and autonomy over the confusion that is infiltrating both their lives.
We’ll always have Paris is a wholesome narrative game that explores the lived experience of memory loss, and the beauty of a love that lasts two lifetimes.
Steam User 4
结构上与《历历在目》有异曲同工之妙,而这里聚焦于官能衰退的健忘症。风格上呢,和《Will Die Alone》差不多,都是简笔画,但限于篇幅短,《Will Die Alone》群像没融合好,收放不自如。而着重积蓄一两个人的情绪,更容易铺陈展开,方便为娓娓道来,扩成长篇的话就像福楼拜对《包法利夫人》精雕细琢。
既然作者希望留评论支持,我也期待能追加中文,方便理解得更到位,如巴黎蒙马特区的红磨坊(Montmartre, the Moulin Rouge)、卡巴莱(cabaret)、南特(Nantes)。这样可以减少很多别扭及疑惑。
Looking forward to Chinese support and wider endorsement of your works.