Warhammer 40000: Gladius – Relics of War
Gladius Prime was known to Imperial scholars as a planet of archeological interest. During its colonization ancient relics were found, revealing hints of a shrouded past. But it was more than relics. Something awakened, an unspeakable horror from an ancient past, and the citizens of Gladius found themselves trapped in a terrible war for survival. Gladius Prime was once a planet of peace. Now there is only war. Warhammer 40,000: Gladius – Relics of War brings you to a world of terror and violence with the first turn-based 4X strategy game set in the Warhammer universe. Face challenging AI or cooperate or compete with friends and strangers across the globe. Play as one of four iconic Warhammer factions (Astra Militarum, Space Marines, Orks or Necrons), each with their own unique playstyle and technology tree. Explore a randomly generated world filled with special features and threatening wildlife that can crush your troop's morale.
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相当于战锤版的文明的不得不吐槽如果了解过相关的背景格雷迪厄斯 这个星球过于奇葩 野生出现的那些东西 在背景世界观可是相当稀有甚至绝版的东西结果在这颗星球上面烂大街特别还是奴役者这种只能活在亚空间的东西,在这个星球上乱窜。
Steam User 22
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游戏性还不错,就是对新手来说,要探索的东西有点多了,玩法类似文明,但区别也挺大的,喜欢策略类游戏的确实不能错过,兵种的相互牵制还没搞明白,希望能更直观一点。对了,作为中文玩家,宋体字真的很不适合在这种游戏里面表现,你们可以在D:(你安装的盘符)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40000 Gladius - Relics of War\Data\Video\Fonts,这个文件夹里面,把NotoSansCJK-Thin(这一系列的思源宋体,换成思源黑体系列),观感会好很多!
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