War Selection
This is a pseudo-historical strategy game that focuses on base, economic and military development culminating in huge military clashes. Up to 62 players can fight in one match fight on a procedurally generated random map. Each player starts from the Stone Age. Throughout the match you develop your culture ultimately morphing into a modern day country. This represents the entire historical diversity of the human civilization. Each chosen path brings it's unique game experience. Game mechanics and opportunities change depending on your choice. After passing 8 historical eras you will reach the Modern time. More than 100 buildings and more than 200 types of units are available. There are 2 types of troops available: land and naval.
Steam User 4
作为一款rts类游戏,类似于帝国时代红警,但此款war selection特色也很突出,开局从石器时代开始,与其他玩家竞争博弈,最高可以进化到第二次工业革命时代。整体上你可以体验到人类文明的发展与进步,细微处你可以排兵布阵,统帅自己的军队。
Steam User 4
Steam User 3
Steam User 1
Steam User 1
The balance of this game needs to be done well, otherwise it is difficult to gain the recognition of the majority of players. The difficulty of getting started is also its limitation. There are many aspects that need improvement, and the current game level is equivalent to the graphics of Age of Empires 2, but some aspects are not as good as Age of Empires 1.
Steam User 2
可以说是一款非常好玩的即时战略游戏 支持1v1 2v2 8v8团队作战 开黑最多4人 从石器时代到二次革命的升本 科技 兵也在加强 亚洲分东亚和西亚 欧洲分东欧和西欧 第一次工业可以选择国家升本 例如英国 俄国 中国 土耳其 等等 相当于有特色兵种 作为一个爱玩红警 要塞 魔兽 帝国的玩家来说 这游戏确实好玩 可惜没怎么火 很晚才知道这游戏 属于是入坑晚了 当然了 以前画质挺差 现在好多了 游戏里还有专门的内置网页kook用来开黑 有很多语音房 里面一堆大佬带你飞 ok 就这样 希望越来越多的玩家加入进来 我们一起打老外
Steam User 1