VR Shark
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This game will let you experience the thrills of a shark kingdom. You need to explore under the sea, fight with sharks, repel all kinds of sharks that attack you, and finally get the treasure of the shark kingdom. This game is fun for teenagers who love sharks.
In the game, you will fight with sharks. Only after killing a specified number of sharks can you activate the portal and go to the next level. When you reach the last level, you need to defeat the guardian to get the final space-time map. If you have a time-space map, you can travel to any previous level through the map to experience it.
Steam User 14
this game changed me as a man. this video game showed a side of me i didn't think existed it truly opened my eyes, i even shed a tear when i opened the treasure chest. truly an experience i recommend to all.
Steam User 6
The map is smaller than my play area