Violent Agent

  • Violent Agent Screenshot 1
  • Violent Agent Screenshot 3
  • Violent Agent Screenshot 5

لم يزود المؤلف بعد وصفًا بلغتك.لم يقدم المؤلف وصفًا بلغتك بعد.

Only an undercover agent can handle the company’s problems. This time, the local mafia and thugs took possession of the money, and does not want to return it. Deal with the scumbags and return the loot to its place.

Violent Agent – Top Down Shooter, where you play as a secret agent. You need to get rid of enemies and return the money to the company. Gather all your will into a fist and passing level after level, using a knife and a machine gun, destroy everyone in your path.

Features of the game:

– Hardcore

– Beautiful Pixel-Art

– Variety of levels

ترويج مقابل 50G
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