Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe
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Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe takes the classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe and adds a strategic layer to it.Description
- Each square of the 3×3 game board contains another, smaller, 3×3 game board.
- Where you make your move in a square of any small board, you send the opponent in the respective square of the big board.
- 3 in a row in a small board wins the small board and the big square.
- 3 small boards in a row wins the game.
- Strategize your play, plan your next move, let the opponent win some small boards, while you win the game!
- On the Forget game subtype, each 4th move of the same player in a board will erase his oldest move.
- Classic and ultimate tic-tac-toe games.
- Each of the classic and ultimate types can also be played in Forget mode.
- Single-player.
- Hot-seat, a multiplayer mode from the same PC.
- Multiplayer, through LAN or Steam.
- 3 levels of difficulty.
- Rankings: play with users closer to your skill level.
- Leaderboards.
- Achievements.
- When the game starts, the player with the X piece will move first, and can place his piece wherever he wants. To let the opponent (AI or friend) place the first piece, you can choose to play with O. Placing the first piece will not give the player such a big advantage as in the classic tic-tac-toe game, he still needs to create a strategy in order to defeat you.
- Next, your opponent will have to play the board respective to the square that you’ve just filled.
- Your next move will be in a board that your opponent sends you to, given by the square that he just made his move on.
- What happens if the opponent sends you to an already won or draw board? Then you can go wherever you like, but be sure not to send your opponent to a closed board, because he would have the same advantage.
- After playing a little, you will see that, even though you could win a small board easily, the fact that if the move you make would put your opponent at an advantage, you could chose to not win that board at the time, or perhaps forfeit it, if it will give you an advantage to complete other 3 boards in a row and win the match.
- A draw board will not count for either X, nor O.
- You can also play on the Forget mode, which erases your 4th oldest game piece, thus having another strategic element which you must focus on, and there won’t be any boards that end-up in ties.
- When playing against the AI, you have 3 choices of difficulty:
- Easy: The AI tries to send you to boards where it’s most difficult for you to make a move, even though he could win others.
- Medium: The AI will always try to win small boards.
- Hard: The AI will win small boards, if it doesn’t give you an advantage on the next move; it tries to create a balance between winning and not giving you the upper hand. It also has a random element to it, so it provides more diversified plays overtime.
Steam User 5
Each turn, you mark one of the small squares.
When you get three in a row on a small board, you’ve won that board.
To win the game, you need to win three small boards in a row.
But it took a while for the most important rule in the game to dawn on me:
You don’t get to pick which of the nine boards to play on. That’s determined by your opponent’s previous move. Whichever square he picks, that’s the board you must play in next. (And whichever square you pick will determine which board he plays on next.)
A few clarifying rules are necessary:
1 - What if my opponent sends me to a board that’s already been won? In that case, congratulations – you get to go anywhere you like, on any of the other boards. (This means you should avoid sending your opponent to an already-won board!)
2 - What if one of the small boards results in a tie? I recommend that the board counts for neither X nor O. But, if you feel like a crazy variant, you could agree before the game to count a tied board for both X and O.
You could argue that it builds mathematical skills (deductive reasoning, conditional thinking, the geometric concept of similarity), but who cares? It’s a good game in any case.
Anyway, that’s Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe. Go play! Let me know how it goes!
Steam User 5
Que dire ?
Tout d'abord les graphismes, étant donné que c'est la première chose que l'on peut aperçevoir. Les graphismes sont révolutionnaires et le moteur du jeu n'as rien à envié à CryEngine, vous serez étonné par la qualitée des textures, des animations.
L'ambiance sonore, on à parfois tendance à l'oublier et pourtant, c'est elle aussi qui crée un jeu et son univers. Ici, vous serez plonger dans une ambiance profonde et très immersive, les sons sont d'une qualitée irréprochable et surtout, très bien approprié.
L'histoire/Scénario, ces deux là sont tellement bien ficelé que LOTR ne mériterai même pas sa gloire, l'histoire est tout juste génial. Profond, il dénonce la sociétée actuelle et l'économie mondiale, de la philosophie à l'état brut.
Le gameplay, que dire ? Mon dieu que dire ? Witcher III n'as qu'a se cacher. Sérieusement, le gameplay est fantastique, bien pensé, complexe et simpliste à la fois, il convient à tout le monde, aux casuals, comme aux hards gamers.
Bref, ce jeu je le recommande pour sa grande qualitée et sa direction artistique !
Bon jeu !
Steam User 2
meilleur jeu pour jouer avec vos vos ami(e)s, cela a su combler mon coeur de par ses musiques complétement inexistantes, ca m'aide a apprécier le jeu car personnelement je déteste la musique dans un jeu. J'adore le gameplay très instinctif et facile à comprendre en effet, il ne suffit que de cliquer sur la case désirer pour placer le X ou le O. Ses graphismes assez simples et complexes à la fois ont su me marquer.les deux animations disponibles dans le jeu qui sont l'apparition du X et du O sont bien réussi. voila pourquoi j'attribu la note de 10/10 à ce jeu je vous le conseil à tous puisqu'il est gratuit et amusant.
Steam User 2
Je trouve ce jeu vraiment très bien et très complet pour un joueur professionnel, comme moi, de morpion.
J'espère qu'il y aura d'autres mises à jour et je suis prêt à payer pour de nouveaux DLC.
Steam User 3
A l'anciene comme a l'école on apeller sa le morpion avec 3 pierres , 3 baton ou tout simplement a la craie ^^
Steam User 2
Un jeu génial d'une qualité incomparable. Il fera le bonheur de tout les pros et amateurs du TIC TAC TOE ! Beaucoup d'effort à été mis sur ce jeu , un MUST !
Steam User 0
Ce jeu est full insane, j'ai désinstallé PUBG, Fortnite, GTA V, j'ai jeté ma ps4 à la poubelle ainsi que Red Dead Redemption 2 pour me concentrer uniquement sur ce jeu pour carrière E-Sport.
Tout bonnement incroyable surtout le mode Ultimate qui est une révolution pour le jeu vidéo