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Drone Training *Mini-Game
The Hermit’s Premonition *Mini-Game
Crazy Brain: High Score Attack *Mini-Game
The Pain: Nightmare Run *Mini-Game
The World
Steam User 1
Hermit's premonition - fine puzzle game about pushing blocks and wacking maggots with a stick
Crazy brain - pinball, a little buggy, but its still just pinball
The pain - fun tank control 2d platformer, couldnt finish it (idk if you can finish it)
Drone training - bullet hell, random as hell with the drones
The world - just a neat looking map for some other game
Extras - concepts for dev's other games, cool if you are intrested about his other games
Fine package overall
Steam User 1
Like the meat and cheese sample platter at the grocery store. This is a great nibbling introduction to the larger games Trash Vomit Studios has to offer.
Steam User 8