Touchly Volumetric VR Video Player
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Touchly is the next evolution of the VR video player. Turn videos into volumetric, immersive experiences.
It features:
- Virtual hands that react to the video environment.
- Six-degrees-of-freedom playback: Reduce eye strain and move freely with position tracking.
- Real-time conversion. Play your VR or 2D videos as volumetric with no previous conversion (high-end GPU required).
- Play in most of the common layouts (180/360/Flat in Stereo/Mono) and formats (mp4, avi, mkv, mov, webm).
- Mix videos with your environment with pass-through (Oculus version only).
- Hand tracking and haptic glove support (Oculus version only).
Other features include:
- Spatial audio.
- Advanced settings: Rotation, position, color adjustment, depth adjustments, etc.
- Depth and Color matting.
- Watch local or remote files with streaming.
- Customizable hands.
- 12 bit color and depth.
To watch videos in volumetric mode, it is recommended to convert them first with Touchly Renderer. Only a couple of demo videos are included in the app.
Steam User 0
Steam User 3
1 我没买gpu加速包,我pc版tou, 用电脑的cpu渲染,没提示要购买官方gpu加速
2 我对比了下,发现看动画视频效果还不错,因为动画近景的多,若用官方的render渲染后,立体感更好 抖动也更少吧,24fps渲染速度 同样视频,速度是owl3d的10倍,
5 如果你是一体机版,那么即时渲染估计开不了,或很卡,需要买他们的加速包之类吧,我不太清楚了
6 pc版的tou启动后有3个选项,第3个是渲染器, 不用渲染器,也可在播放器里开即时渲染,就是立体感和抖动情况比渲染后的差点,渲染器比较吃cpu,
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