Total Conflict: Resistance
“In a tragic time, History elevates great people to the crest, but the tragedies themselves are the work of mediocrities.
At the beginning of the century, the island state of Cambridia was a densely populated, vibrant, wealthy state. It seemed that soon a golden age would come for Cambridia. How could it happen that only twenty years later this very Cambridia would be fragmented, that its elite was divided into warring parties, that the townspeople rebelled, that its people languished under an unbearable burden of taxes, that provinces fell one after another, that gangs of mercenaries they gave away the country to the flow and plunder, that the people openly laughed at the government, that money depreciated, commerce was paralyzed and poverty reigned everywhere, no one knew what tomorrow would bring him. Why did this state collapse?
Mediocrity! The mediocrity of its president, ministers and officials, their stupid vanity, their frivolity in state affairs, their inability to surround themselves with the right people, their carelessness, arrogance, inability to hatch great plans or even follow those that were borne before them. Everything perishes when stupid people are at the head of the state. On the ruins of greatness, unity disintegrates.”
The country is engulfed in civil war, chaos reigns everywhere, parties are at war with each other, gangs of marauders are devastating settlements.
Take part in events: command of units, create a full-fledged army, produce or purchase armored vehicles and weapons, build fortifications, outposts and settlements, manage combat operations from the 1st person or in tactical mode. Control different cars, armored personnel carriers, helicopters, tanks and self-propelled guns. Lead large-scale battles (up to 200 people at the same time) on tactical maps using a large selection of weapons. Create your own state, or join existing factions. Use diplomacy: make alliances, declare wars. Capture provinces. Make Cambridia great again!
First person mode
Manage your squads in first-person mode with a large number of team functions. Orders at different levels: you can give an order to one fighter, squad, entire unit.
Tactical mode
Give orders to your squads on the battlefield from a bird’s eye view. Units have many options, shooting and movement mode, weapon use mode, etc.
Strategic Mode
Detailed map of the island, divided into provinces, as a separate game mode. Foreign and domestic policy, economy, industry, diplomacy. Political events, on the decision of which the future fate of the state depends. Various decrees and studies. Several nations and religions. Political factions of the left and right, democracy and republic, monarchy.
A complex system of hit zones for infantry and vehicles. Ballistics, penetration, muzzle velocity for a bullet/projectile. Realistic graphics, sounds, physics, animations and effects.
Small arms
About fifty types of various rifles, pistols, machine guns, rocket launchers. Modification of weapons for your troops in a special editor of small arms. Stocks, grips, magazines, sights, silencers, muzzle brakes and recoil compensators.
Civil cars, armored cars, APC, tanks, self-propelled artillery and much more, with the ability to control any equipment from the first / third person.
Soldiers customization
A huge number of various uniforms, camouflage, body armor and helmets, gas masks. Creation of “regular” / “special”, etc. uniforms for your troops in a special detachment template editor.
Logistics and supplies
Load your trucks with ammo and weapons, food, medical supplies, fuel to use the supplies in battle. Deliver infantry and cargo to the front using several types of trucks.
Air Force
Deal air strikes, plan landing operations, conduct reconnaissance.
Steam User 0
gra wygląda spoko gra się też ok ale za 100 zł za jeszcze dość mocno niedokończoną grę nie dam brakuje mi tu lepszego modelu sterowania jednostkami i lepszego interfejsu ich sterowania bo aktualny mi się nie podoba pewnie dało by się go ogarnąć w kilka godzin
Więc jeżeli ktoś ma 100 zł lub bez przeceny 140 zł i nie ma na co wydać to warto kupić wczesnym dostępie jak ktoś nie ma hajsu to nie
Steam User 0
Total conflict resistance jest grą w której jakieś 30% gry to sama walka mówiąc oczywiście o trybie na mapie globalnej.Pozostające 70% to : logistyka,handel,badania,budowa fabryk konserw itp i trochę okrojoną polityką.Więc jeśli rozważasz tę grę dla samej walki to chciałbym Ci uświadomić iż tylko 1 z 2 trybów będzie miał możliwość cię zadowolić a ten tryb to conquest na podobnych zasadach jak w Call to Arms.(Zaznaczam że gra wciąż jest w becie co znaczy , że można natknąć się na niedoróbki)Gra jest biegle aktualizowana przez twórcę co znaczy , że niedoróbki powoli znikają.
Steam User 0
Game with huge potencial, it`s palyable and very timetaking. Polecam naprawdę grę i wsparcie dev sów
Steam User 0
Całkiem przyjemna gra. Ciągle rozwijana z przyjemnym gameplayem i spoko grafiką.
Steam User 0
First thoughts: Freeman guirella warfare but devs havent run with money and abonded game, yet.