Total Conflict: Resistance
“In a tragic time, History elevates great people to the crest, but the tragedies themselves are the work of mediocrities.
At the beginning of the century, the island state of Cambridia was a densely populated, vibrant, wealthy state. It seemed that soon a golden age would come for Cambridia. How could it happen that only twenty years later this very Cambridia would be fragmented, that its elite was divided into warring parties, that the townspeople rebelled, that its people languished under an unbearable burden of taxes, that provinces fell one after another, that gangs of mercenaries they gave away the country to the flow and plunder, that the people openly laughed at the government, that money depreciated, commerce was paralyzed and poverty reigned everywhere, no one knew what tomorrow would bring him. Why did this state collapse?
Mediocrity! The mediocrity of its president, ministers and officials, their stupid vanity, their frivolity in state affairs, their inability to surround themselves with the right people, their carelessness, arrogance, inability to hatch great plans or even follow those that were borne before them. Everything perishes when stupid people are at the head of the state. On the ruins of greatness, unity disintegrates.”
The country is engulfed in civil war, chaos reigns everywhere, parties are at war with each other, gangs of marauders are devastating settlements.
Take part in events: command of units, create a full-fledged army, produce or purchase armored vehicles and weapons, build fortifications, outposts and settlements, manage combat operations from the 1st person or in tactical mode. Control different cars, armored personnel carriers, helicopters, tanks and self-propelled guns. Lead large-scale battles (up to 200 people at the same time) on tactical maps using a large selection of weapons. Create your own state, or join existing factions. Use diplomacy: make alliances, declare wars. Capture provinces. Make Cambridia great again!
First person mode
Manage your squads in first-person mode with a large number of team functions. Orders at different levels: you can give an order to one fighter, squad, entire unit.
Tactical mode
Give orders to your squads on the battlefield from a bird’s eye view. Units have many options, shooting and movement mode, weapon use mode, etc.
Strategic Mode
Detailed map of the island, divided into provinces, as a separate game mode. Foreign and domestic policy, economy, industry, diplomacy. Political events, on the decision of which the future fate of the state depends. Various decrees and studies. Several nations and religions. Political factions of the left and right, democracy and republic, monarchy.
A complex system of hit zones for infantry and vehicles. Ballistics, penetration, muzzle velocity for a bullet/projectile. Realistic graphics, sounds, physics, animations and effects.
Small arms
About fifty types of various rifles, pistols, machine guns, rocket launchers. Modification of weapons for your troops in a special editor of small arms. Stocks, grips, magazines, sights, silencers, muzzle brakes and recoil compensators.
Civil cars, armored cars, APC, tanks, self-propelled artillery and much more, with the ability to control any equipment from the first / third person.
Soldiers customization
A huge number of various uniforms, camouflage, body armor and helmets, gas masks. Creation of “regular” / “special”, etc. uniforms for your troops in a special detachment template editor.
Logistics and supplies
Load your trucks with ammo and weapons, food, medical supplies, fuel to use the supplies in battle. Deliver infantry and cargo to the front using several types of trucks.
Air Force
Deal air strikes, plan landing operations, conduct reconnaissance.
Steam User 87
Like Mount and Blade, but with modern military units and you can control anyone or zoom out Total War style. Needs more work, but this is already one of the most interesting shooters with the most potential I've seen in years. With the right handling ,this could be the better single player ARMA everyone could ever want.
Steam User 49
Okay so the framework of an insanely good game is there. Mount and Blade with guns-esque with a little bit of strategy and grand strategy rolled in there. Really good concept and even pretty good execution. BUT....
This game needs a serious overhaul with their tutorial and UI. I have tried a few campaigns at this point and have no idea what im doing on the global map and rage quit after a few in game years but the battles are so amazing i keep coming back. i play paradox games and a bunch of other super complex grand strategy games so it's not that i can't figure it out, the information is not readily available and a lot goes unexplained.
The battles are realllyllllylylylylyl good imo. The gunplay is okay but tanks and trucks and helicopters and paratroopers its so cool seeing a mount and blade type battle with these things. The maps could ber a bit more diverse but already have interesting battlefields and the game really captures that feel of the actions you take on the battlefield directly change the outcome of battles like taking control of an rpg guy and taking out a dishka thats pinning your army down which leads to you guys pushing and winning an otherwise losing battle.
Long story short this game needs some TLC from either the developers or the modding community but its just polish that's needed. But it is needed.
Steam User 34
I like the game, but I hardly understand it - that's the gist of it.
I've seen some videos on youtube where the creator has a good campaign going and developed a strong nation. For me, however, it hasn't worked out so far. No matter what strategy I choose, I lose. Tried to be the good guy, having strong trade relations with most other countries, non-aggression pact and/or alliance with all direct neighbors. Didn't work, as the alliances got me in trouble too (and no help from the partners?). Tried to be aggressive on the northern island, trying to reunite the island and go from there (strong position with no easy access, I thought). Didn't work out either, as fast advancement lets your stability drop too fast, and slower advancement lets the enemy get too strong. Doesn't seem to matter how much of his settlements or resources I take, still raising troops just as fast as I am. While I struggle with supplies etc.
Quite a few other things I struggle with:
Air and sea transport can only use (air)ports? Real world helos and landing craft can land literally almost anywhere. Not in this game, though.
The time and weapons available are an odd mix. Ok, so you clearly can't predict what will be developed in the next 10 years, but then maybe, adjust the game setting/year accordingly? 1960s would make more sense than 2024.
It's early access, so no gripes about bugs or things not fully developed. These will hopefully get sorted before full release.
All in all, still recommending the game, for people who like this kind of game. For me, it's both addictive and infuriating, but in the end, it still comes out on the up side.
I would wish for the diplomacy system to be fleshed out quite a bit more. At least give the player some warning that a friendly nation is going to betray and attack them (maybe implement spying?).
Make the AI go through the same hassles with resources that the player faces.
Tweak the settings and weapons/units to somewhat fit together better. Obviously, starting with current weapon technology won't allow for more progression, but if you want us to start with 1950s stuff, adjust the rest accordingly.
Disclaimer: These are obviously just my personl opinions, which others may or may not agree with...
Steam User 59
Just as a shout out since a lot of people are giving it bad reviews "because of the DLC" that the DLC only adds optional units so that they can raise some cash to continue development. 99% of what was included in the newest update is free content, which shows amazing good faith on their part. Personally im buying the DLC to help them continue developing, since the base game alone has provided me with a lot of fun.
A lot of the people whining, and yes lets not pretend its anything else, about the DLC are the same people who literally look for any excuse to yap their jaws at anything a studio does. Is the DLC mandetory? No. Does not buying it withhold vital game content from you? No. Is it necessary to enjoy the game? No.
Ergo its not a scummy move, moreso the only scummy thing going on here is people downvoting a great game because they have an inherent bias against any paid content whatsoever. Friendly reminder that this Company isnt EA, they introduced the DLC to genuinely keep developing the game not to "squeeze pennies" from people.
Steam User 33
Time for another Larrydlicious review.
This game has a multitude of problems. In fact most of its mechanics don't work in one way or another. However, it is one of the most fun games I've played in a long time. The battle simulation is just chef's kiss. With 20 tanks on the battlefield, planes and helicopters shooting missiles over your head, and the guy over the radio screaming "WOOO" you can easily overlook its issues. I've heard a lot of people compare it to mount and blade, which is fair, but i'd say its more akin to men of war, total war, and a smidge of hoi4, so if you like any of those you'll most likely enjoy this. DaleyTactics' videos actually convinced me to buy this game, although keep in mind his vids are a few updates ago.
Firstly the gameplay, like I mentioned before its a ton of fun, and I can't quite put my finger on why. I picked it up on christmas, with a week off of work and I've put 77 hours on this game, with it now being jan 4. So I've played a lot, its addicting, you want to be good at it.
There is a tech tree to unlock new weapons and tanks, and so on, you can then produce with your nation's factories. While the production aspect of the game can be a little annoying because your reserve soldiers directly affect production speed. So if i was fighting a long war and lost a lot of men, but now I need vehicles, it can take double the time to produce them which is nuts and can make or break you. I like the way they built the nation system, it just needs polish. The problem with this is when your researching something the AI usually have it already, or can way outproduce you for no reason. They seem to be able to randomly spawn armies, when you've already taken all but one of their cities. When your in first person, its a little clunky, similar to freeman guerilla warfare, but a little more polished and the gunplay feels a little better. The global map is similar to bannerlord, where its a guy and his vehicle and a number displaying how many troops.
There is a few issues where artillery is just crazy overpowered and the AI can see the whole map, i recommend shutting off fog of war. It crashes occasionally, but I've only had one in 70 hours so not bad.
Second, graphics. They are serviceable for a war game, theres issues here and there, but they are good enough. I was actually very surprised with a few things, theres "levelution" with walls and buildings getting destroyed during battle. Your soldier drops his empty magazine on the ground and it persists with his empty casings, which is a nice detail. Coupled with the headshot sound is a high pitched ding, because either you got your helmet shot off or you did to someone else. With better armor you can survive those shots which is nice. The aircraft all have their landing gear down when flying which is upsetting, although the ground vehicles are good looking and have quite a bit of detail and weapons.
Thirdly, price. I'd say its not worth the price at the moment. I'd pick it up on sale or after a few more updates which they do frequently luckily. I've gotten my worth out of it for sure, and expect it to keep getting better.
As always if anyone disagrees, feel free to comment and let me know. Thank you for your time.
Edit: Hey ladies and gentlemen. I wanted to add that a lot of people don't like the customization system, and while I agree with certain aspects of their sentiments, as it is tough to figure out and tedious and annoying when you understand it, it is serviceable. It needs a lot of polish and streamlining, and while it doesn't ruin the game, it does have a steep learning curve. This game, as of this moment, can really only be learned yourself. Current video tutorials suck and aren't helpful in the more complicated portions of the game, and there is no in game tutorial at the moment. There are a few forums that I've used and the video tutorials can be helpful, but keep that in mind if you decide to buy the game. Good luck and thank you again.
Steam User 20
0.92 version. Here is what i honestly think of the game.
It’s exactly what I was looking for, a mount and blade like game but in the modern world and with more complexity.
The game has deep economic system where you need to mine or buy the raw materials then refine it to produce basic necessities and to make all weapons / Ammo/ vehicles.
FPS and comanding troops just like mount and blade
Huge variety of weapons and vehicles including but not limited to
Planes/trucks/ APC’s/ tanks/ ships
Set your own troop equipments including weapon attachments
Control the tanks/ trucks if you want
Research tree and political tree
Diplomacy including trade alliances and non aggression pacts
Gameplay is actually fun!
It’s early access meaning you could see bugs and crashes and also some stuff aren’t fleshed out yet.
It doesn’t actually tell you how to play you need to figure it out or just look for people online to help.
Things take very long to research/ construct. (I used a mod that makes everything much faster)
Millitary economy is not very easy to manage ( here I mean your battalions )
Can’t control the prices of what I sell in the world market.
AI is either not aggressive at all or super aggressive and will pile on you whenever they see you down.
That was my opinion and in summary I think this game is very promising. I hope they keep updating regularly!
Steam User 20
The FPS/RTS part of the game is very fun. The city/country management mechanics need work and currently isn't very much fun, but has potential.