Tom Clancy’s The Division™
Try The Division now for free!
Gain access to 6 hours of gameplay, play co-op or on your own to save New York from a devastating pandemic.
Watch Agent Origins: Escape Now!
You’re part of the Division, an autonomous unit of tactical agents trained to operate independently. Your mission: protect what remains and restore hope.
TCTD Gold Edition includes:
– The game
– The Season Pass
– An exclusive “National Guard” gear set
With the Season Pass, you’ll receive a full year of major expansions and exclusive benefits. More details to be revealed soon !
About the GameDuring Black Friday, a devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City, and one by one, basic services fail. In only a few days, without food or water, society collapses into chaos. The Division, an autonomous unit of tactical agents, is activated. Leading seemingly ordinary lives among us, these Agents are trained to operate independently in order to save society.
When Society Falls, We Rise.
In this action shooter RPG, you will get a unique gameplay experience, mixing tactical combat and online features. Stride across New York’s streets alone or with up to 3 friends and define the fate of your Agent.
As you explore the map, encounter dynamic events, loot & craft new weapons & gear, and customize your Agent to take back the city from vicious enemy factions.
As you finish the campaign you will unlock new difficulty levels and transition to a whole new experience: the endgame. But be careful: the more you progress, the more challenging but also rewarding it will become.
From this point, you will discover diverse activities that will keep you on the edge for months. Build your team of up to 4 Agents and discover a brand new way of playing through different modes: Incursions, Underground, Survival, the Dark Zone and many others.
Agents, it’s up to you to take back New York City.
Steam User 37
Steam User 20
Steam User 12
Steam User 18
全境封锁是一款育碧推出的汤姆克兰西系列的末世TPS MMORPG,游戏可多人组队进行PVE以及暗区PVPVE。从最开始预告片的万众期待到最后的预告骗,着实给玩家浇了盆冷水。但是平心而论游戏整体设计确实很上瘾好玩。(虽然枪械还是那么拉)。后来又跟朋友因此预购了全境2,肝了好一阵,最后ubi也不出所料的推出了刷新下限的更新和dlc,一直到现在2代的国服都要上tx的wegame平台了。。。只能说希望以后新作能好好规划下更新路线把。目前本作已基本鬼服。
Steam User 8
Steam User 11
上当了,打游戏像上班,75分吧 打的我头晕想睡觉
打了2代 还是把一代下载回来了,1代的天气做的真好,再给它加5分
Steam User 68
好玩归好玩,没人啊 全域开开啊 你让我们新入坑的 咋凑机密啊 传奇副本没人排 DLC更是一个人没有 规劝想体验单机的也别体验了 就跟美女脱光了 让你硬了半天 不让你插一样 你难不难受吧?这游戏30级以后才是开始 正好你也上瘾了让后没人 他妈的全域事件也不开了 就跟美女脱光了批上按上铁处女一样 你说咋办吧