Together Synergy
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Together Synergy is a 2 player local co-op game where one player controls the left wheel and the other player controls the right wheel.
Drive With A Friend!
You take the left wheel and your friend takes the right wheel!
Turning will be difficult!
The players must coordinate with each other to turn
- Right wheel goes backward and left wheel goes forward to turn right!
- Left wheel goes backward and right wheel goes forward to turn right!
Choose your character!
The game features many characters you can choose from!
Clear the levels
Together Synergy is a 3D platform game!
Test you and your friends synergy together!
Steam User 1
オンライン協力基本非対応、ローカルの協力プレイのみなので、その場にいない友人と一緒に遊ぶにはRemote Play Togetherを利用する必要があります。WSキーを使う左側車輪担当と↑↓キーを使う右側車輪担当に分かれて短くシンプルなコースを走破するアクションゲームです。