Tiny Echo
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Might and Delight invites you into the ethereal world of Tiny Echo and poses the question – what lives do the little spirits of the undergrowth live?
Before we delve further into Tiny Echo, we hope you don’t mind us taking this opportunity to tell you about our latest game, the Tiny Multiplayer Online RPG Book of Travels!
Tiny Echo
Tiny Echo is a quintessential Might and Delight title with the perfect blend of aesthetic elegance coupled with a soothing soundtrack composed by Mount West. Take a walk into a never before seen realm and explore a tranquil and mysterious world teeming with shades trying to make it through another daily cycle. Uncover new locations and characters by solving puzzles in this lovingly crafted world as you play the role of Emi tasked with delivering messages to the spirits.
Main features
- Guide the courier Emi through a quirky hand-drawn world.
- Uncover the unique traits of each character in order to complete your delivery.
- Solve puzzles at a meditative pace.
- Take a dive into the wordless narrative as you progress in your postal round.
- Relax with an atmospheric soundtrack composed by Mount West.
Steam User 0
Expérience très courte qui se présente comme des petits tableaux intéractifs, la force du jeu est son petit univers enchanteur
Steam User 0
Visuel enchanteur ... direction artistique magnifiquement travaillée ... personnages très touchants... en résumé une pure merveille. Dans mon top des découvertes !
Steam User 0
J'aime bien l'ambiance derrière le jeu
Un peu enfantin peu être (?) mais un très bon jeu et une fois bien plongée dans l'histoire on découvre plein de chose sur les personnages, notamment par moment des choses triste, ou choquante...