The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
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Witcher 3 is a fantasy game you dreamed about – meet hundreds of different supernatural creatures in a unique world, where humans live together with other races. Some of them are evil, some of them are good. You are a witcher, your friends are in danger, travel the world to understand what powers wants to destroy the world and try to stop them, while enjoying thousands of local stories and breathtaking situations.
Chief 0
Actually returned to Witcher after the recent Netflix series, because I didn't have time for Blood&Wine campaign before. I have to admit it's pretty solid. Bright, full of jokes and adventures, engaging from the very first missions. Plot about high vampires is also very entertaining.
If you missed it for some reason, it would be your best bet to go for it asap.
fosiho 1
World is really big and really beautiful, especially Blood and Wine world, which is probably the most beautiful world I've seen in games. Riding with your horse through this world, while listening to epic music is really fun. However when you get bored of riding, you can always use one of many fast travel points. There are few big cities in this game, and a lot of villages. There are too many side quests to do, you can find them on notice boards all over the world, or accept contracts from random people that you meet. I personally dislike doing those tasks, because they don't have any connection to the story, and also this game is too easy, so no need to grind.However side quests that you get from main characters while playing main story can be really interesting, and I completed all of them. Game has options to play Hearts of Stone or Blood and Wine directly without having to beat the main game, so that's a nice thing
Chief 0
I was impressed by the ending - it was very well directed in a hollywood style. Epic visuals, epic music, epic story ending. Also some evil creatures design is horryfing in good meaning, witches for example. Ciri rocks!
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100小时通主线加两部资料片,巫师3是我早期接触单机玩的游戏。前期极度劝退(攻击低,战斗回血慢,后来才知道点一个技能 能长时间持续回血),对于体量上百小时内容丰富的它来说,玩不到中后期,是体验不到它所带来的沉浸式的剧情冲击的。《中世纪&魔法&政权&怪物》的标签引人入胜,每个地区的大气磅礴的音乐无不诉说着此地发生的故事。
雪山里走出凯尔莫罕,白果园重逢丁香与醋栗,威伦见证人性,诺维格瑞再见好友,史凯利格见证风暴与狂浪,陶森特的血与酒,情与爱的石之心。我操控杰洛特走过,见过,经历过,爱过。血与酒dlc结局,我与好友雷吉斯 在分别前一晚的星空下饮酒叙旧,说完对白,杰洛特望向屏幕外的我会心一笑,这让我刻骨铭心。再后来的游戏中很少有能带给我这种感觉的游戏了,荒野大镖客2算一个,好的游戏能参演主角的人生,引发思考,学到与现实生活中通用的道理,通关后意犹未尽,就像去电影院看了一场电影,如梦幻泡影。这便是我喜欢玩单机的原因,我的微信签名“苦如醋栗 甜如丁香”就是出自杰洛特对她心爱的女人的评价。
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