The Tenth Line
The Tenth Line is a unique indie role-playing/platforming adventure. Guide the princess of the tiny nation of Easania, along with her unusual but reliable companions, and explore a vibrant world of humans, beasts, and dragons, while escaping the clutches of a mysterious cult in hot pursuit. Explore the world through fast-paced 2D platforming by controlling three separate characters, each with unique movement mechanics and ways of interacting with the world. Take on dozens of foes at one time through turn-based RPG battles with an active timing element. High quality background and sprite artwork, and a grand, varied soundtrack. Unique progression and ways to level-up: power up combat moves and set up character-specific specialties through training, and gain levels to spend on the puzzle-like Power Flow board to increase stats and learn new attacks.
Steam User 0
Well, it's very fun, regardless of any problems, so it's prolly worth it just for that. I rather liked it. A unique mix of platformer, and Eastern RPG, with some Fighting Game mixed in there, and a combat system that is nothing to balk at. It looks simpler than it really is, and honestly is very fun. I wouldn't play it just for the story tho; the story is okay, and has it's moments, but I think it is overshadowed by the variety of gameplay systems. The only gripe I have is the Keyboard-and-Mouse controls suck and I dunno how to change it. There aren't many other big issues I've got, and the small ones are nothing to complain about.
Steam User 0
A fun little platformer RPG, Combat takes a bit to get going but once it does it can be quite good.