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"The Sheltered" is a top-down adventure game with an emphasis on exploration and decision making.
Players assume the role of a survivor in a world plagued by a deadly outbreak. The government announces their plans deal with monstrous infected by means of nuclear weapons. The plan: to bomb the area and eradicate everything. Lucky enough, there’s a fallout shelter in the player’s front yard – and enough food and water to last.
Now other survivors want in.
The main story begins once the hero has collected enough supplies to last himself in the shelter.
When other survivors show up, the player can decide who to bring into the shelter and who to leave outside. Survivors range from children to experienced adults that can offer the player help. The player can also bring animals into the shelter. Deciding who to save is the main premise of the game and will ultimately effect the ending.
However, it’s not enough to simply invite another survivor into the shelter. Each survivor requires additional supplies to last their stay. While the player only has enough for himself, he is free to explore the land and search for additional supplies. This is the adventure aspect of the game.
Combining old school graphics and simple gameplay with modern storytelling and a multitude of choices, "The Sheltered" pushes players to sacrifice their characters safety for their character’s morals.
– A captivating non-linear story complete with over seven different endings.
– Difficult decisions and characters that remember your actions and act accordingly.
– A moody, apocalyptic landscape, free to explore and littered with secrets.
– Dozens of challenging puzzles with multiple solutions… and consequences.
– A variety of monsters (among other things) to outgun, outrun or outwit.
– A haunting soundtrack composed and preformed by Max Ablitzer
Steam User 0
Buen juego
Juego de gestion en donde deberas tomar deciciones y administrar correctamente los recursos para sobrevivr y expandir tu refugio en un apocalipsis, buen juego divertido con gran contenido, definitivamente lo recomiendo.
-Pocos requisitos (No necesitas una gran pc para jugarlo, hasta en una tostadora te ira bien).
-Buena cantidad de contenido y mecanicas divertidas.
-Precio barato (mas si lo compras en promocion en donde sale casi que regalado).
-Tiene cromos y logros
-A no ser que no te gusten los juegos de gestion y administracion realmente el juego no tiene nada negativo.
Steam User 0
Buen juego, se queda corto en contenido pero al menos salio mejor que el segundo juego
Steam User 0
Steam User 0
Bastante bueno para pasar el rato, las primeras horas son adictivas por la dificultad inicial pero una vez comprendes las mecanicas se vuelve bastante repetittivo en un partida normal a los 100 días ya tendrás todos los logros
Steam User 1
Un juego de gestión de "refugio" y supervivencia que no esta mal, en mi opinión le pasa lo mismo que a Fallout Shelter en donde tras entrar en lo que sería el "late game" se vuelve todo muy monótono.
Steam User 0
Bastante duro al inicio, pero si logras mejorar la mesa de construir sin que se muera tus familiares se pone muy entretenido
Steam User 0
Vi muchos videos y decidí comprarme el juego. Es muy bueno, y que el mapa no sea el mismo, la aleatoriedad de eventos y poder cambiarle la dificultad, da lugar a la jugarlo durante mucho tiempo, y hacer retos