The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
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In Van Helsing III, the civil war is over in Borgovia, but the future looks grim. The city of weird science is in ruins, squabbling factions and criminals fight for power and a strange cult prophesizes the coming of “The end of times.” And they might be just right: A wave of uncanny events shakes the land, and it’s all connected to a mysterious creature, a former ally turned into a fearful arch-villain. Which means that Van Helsing will do what he does best: He wields weapons, prepares his deadly tricks, and hunts down the most dangerous monster who has ever lived… and this time it’s personal. He’s prepared to do anything to achieve his goal, even to face the darkest secret about the birth of the modern Borgovia.
Steam User 6
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 3 - This is the second best one in the trilogy if you ask me. In my personal order: 1, 3, 2. Further continuation of what the first 2 built on and it was a great experience playing this in coop again because there was no desyncing (not that it stopped us making backups of our characters to be sure).
This is the final instalment of the game and we as a group of buddies (Eazy, my wife and I) thoroughly enjoyed playing this together and having a bunch of laughs. This game is a lot longer than the previous 2 games, but I enjoyed finishing this trilogy. I just wish that they made more games of these, Neocore put a lot of effort into the smaller details, it really made the game memorable.
Highly recommend this trilogy if you have a couple of friends to play with!
Steam User 1
Not much different from VH1 & 2. The isometric view and gameplay is very well done. Visually it looks good and the character designs are great. There's a good amount of ways to play depending on your preferred style. The different character classes are great and the skills are varied. The same goes for your equipment.
The story is still subpar though.
Steam User 2
Fun game, 1st game i have played for more than a couple hours at a time in a LONG TIME i get bored of games fast but this will be taking days out of my life for sure ., especially for the 4$ sale price originally @ 75$ for the bundle. i would definitely recommend if you like these kind of 3rd person rpg games.
Steam User 0
The play style is like a better version of Diablo 3 & 4 part 3 of 3 and the game art is kinda gothic horror steam punk. The mythos follow more European legends and lore than mesopotamian mythos and lore. Expect more things along the lines of vampires and other similar monsters. Characters from the first transfer to the second game and parts of your progress from number two will transfer to number three.
Steam User 0
This game is very fun. Definitely worth giving a try if you like isometric ARPGs.
Steam User 0
The Van Helsing series is an excellent example of the fact that games with hack-and-slash gameplay can be not just about clicking mobs, but can have an entertaining, albeit simple plot, enjoyable gameplay and, of course, amazing work on visual design and music. Having played this series for the first time back in 2015, I couldn’t get rid of the feeling that the Diablo 3 sellers were somewhere trying to deceive me when they slipped me a soulless mob clicker instead of a game, because Van Helsing stood head and shoulders above this competitor, even though there was not enough time and resources. With this review, I just want to express my sincere gratitude for this series and express the hope that someday we will see a continuation, no worse than the recently released Diablo 4
Steam User 2
Ignore the negative reviews, if you enjoyed 1 & 2 this is worth playing.
Once you get past the class system rework and non existent import feature (which really sucks), this is the most polished gameplay wise. I found the areas to be the most fun, and the story and characters to be more interesting than the 2nd game, along with the difficulties being more balanced