The Forest Ranger

  • The Forest Ranger Screenshot 1
  • The Forest Ranger Screenshot 2
  • The Forest Ranger Screenshot 3
  • The Forest Ranger Screenshot 4
  • The Forest Ranger Screenshot 5

لم يزود المؤلف بعد وصفًا بلغتك.لم يقدم المؤلف وصفًا بلغتك بعد.

The Forest Ranger (TFR) is a psychological horror game where you take the role of a ranger and have to follow some tasks that your boss gives you while paranormal things happen


The first versions of the game will last very little (a little more than 5 / 10 minutes) and as it is updated, the playing time will increase.

We are a small team and the game can have many bugs and not be very good in the first versions, any constructive feedback is appreciated to continue improving the project

ترويج مقابل 50G
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