The Crown of Leaves
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The Crown of Leaves is a hybrid of non-kinetic visual novel and point-n-click adventure, that will tell you a story about mysticism, riddles, constellations, anthro, beasts and ghosts! Three chapters are planned for release; The first chapter has already been released – and it's here. Roui, a resilient city dandy, a half-educated jeweler and the author of scientific magic articles, dealt with a colossal failure and had to return to his homeland: Latori. Science isn't a thing here, and local shoddy mystical beliefs are really irritating and dejecting to Roui. He dreams to return to his old life… But how can it be possible if you have no money? One day, a prosperous local baron commissioned him for a bracelet, a gift for his lovely bride. Roui, in need of the extra coin, graciously accepted the order… But not long afterward he faced a new problem – the Mad Rook, a legendary and mysterious spirit, began to meddle in the lives of the locals, including Roui's. This spirit, an entity that plays tricks on mortals once a year, is possessed with strange magic and a dark sense of humor. Despite all the strangeness of the story, everyone can find something parallel to their everyday life and see themselves in one of the characters. This story will capture you and won't let you go until the very end.
Steam User 8
It's a Russian furry visual novel with impressive worldbuilding, great soundtrack and high-quality visuals, what more could you want?
Steam User 0
This is really well written story in my opinion; art style is unique as well as places of the story, music nicely builds the atmosphere of current experienced moment of game and the heroes have their own personality i can believe and feel.
Steam User 1
Regrywalność tej gry, ilość alternatywnych ścieżek którymi może potoczyć się fabuła (co widać szczególnie podczas łowienia wszystkich achievementów) jest absurdalnie wręcz duża.
Do tego fajne lore i bardzo ładna kreska. No i nieźle napisane dialogi! Czegoż chcieć więcej?
Malutki minut za to, że niektóre zagadki nie są intuicyjne, a elementy które trzeba poszukać na planszy potrafią być bardzo małe i dziwnie umieszczone. Pół godziny szukałem włącznika od nieszczęsnego rzutnika...
Steam User 0
Świetna gra z świetną historią i ze światem rozbudowanym w ciekawy sposób.
Steam User 0
niesamowita grafika z świetnym światem i wyjątkowo tania i niedoceniona polecam cieplutko
Steam User 0
Beautiful graphic and music, mysterious plot with interesting characters. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Amazing work!
Steam User 6
Jakie to jest dobre, cena jak za bilet do kina, a się dostaje sporo więcej.