The Council
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The Complete Season of The Council grants you access to all 5 episodes. The Council is an episodic game like no other. Delivering a fresh new take on the Narrative Adventure, your choices and character growth truly matter. Make hard-hitting decisions, but also develop an array of skills to directly impact how the story unfolds. With permanent, long-lasting consequences, there is no going back. Plunge into a tale of intrigue and manipulation in the style of a classic murder mystery, living with a cast of alluring characters each hiding their own dark secrets. Trust no one while uncovering dire truths – no matter the cost to mind and body.
Steam User 13
This game is life-altering if you enjoy history, theology, or things that are AGGRESSIVELY FRENCH. I have never had a game ask me to think and draw on all sorts of experiences in my life. I kid you not, at one point I was unironically doing modular arithmetic and reading the bible.
This game has an enormous amount of replayability. I play it at least once a year since I picked it up.
This game truly accomplishes the "Choices Matter" meme that other studios promise but fail to provide. They also have ironed out a great RPG system that lends itself to tabletop roleplaying games as well.
The game has some rough spots;
The animations are rough in Episode 1 and get exponentially better as time goes on. Don't let the episodes bother you too much, the entire game all-together is quite good and well paced. But waiting months between games definitely didn't help at release.
The voice acting is stuff sometimes
Some things are still in french
BUT I think these are part of the charm of the game and are worth looking past to enjoy an incredible experience.
Steam User 10
Game is too ambitious for its own good and should have been allowed to cook for at least another year of dev time. Choices matter throughout and are really well done in terms of being nuanced and action based (without explicitly laying out consequences). Much better than any telltale game regarding choices. Ep 4-5 are definitely on rails outside of its couple of decisions you get to make. Historical intrigue is rather well done and leaves a bunch of things to research after playing the game. Story/lore does not make much sense and feels like it was made up on the fly, which makes it funny at the very least. Acting is piss poor and game is buggier than an Ant farm. Ambition with some errors is always better than playing it too safe in my books. Worth playing forsure. 7.8/10
Steam User 10
Absolutely loved this game. Should have played it long ago. Many choices and story plot twists. Many different choices and paths to take. Loved from start to finish. Great game. Highly recommend to anyone who loves story driven games with many choices and consequences and branches in the story and how it plays out. The game mechanics are also very unique in that i have never played a game with such mechanics. the game has mostly a detective type game play but also uses many different skills you must build up in order for the choices you make to be available to you. Also has other mechanics i have not seen in other games. truly a Gem of a game. I must say this game is not a combat type game but more choices consequences and story/detective type game. If you love these type games with an excellent story, this game is absolutely for you.
Steam User 9
The Council is an adventure story game where you are on an island with important historical figures like George Washington and Napoleon amongst others, where you will get to interact and find out about the secrets that everyone is hiding. The whole atmosphere is haunting and you can feel the suspense in the mansion. There are many puzzles which are rather difficult but I thoroughly enjoyed them after solving it. The content is rather long for an episodic game, but there are many save points. There are many collectibles and skill trees to follow, which made every run feel different. I definitely recommend this game, especially if you love story games or politics.
Steam User 17
An nescis, mi fili, quantilla prudentia mundus regatur?
Do you not know, my son, with how very little wisdom the world is governed?
ㅡ Axel Oxenstierna
세상은 우리가 상상하는 것보다 훨씬 적은 지혜로 다스려진다.
Steam User 4
This was so good and I really hope the developers make more like it. I did not see where the plot was going to end up and it's just so gripping. I can often feel exasperated with some games that make you read everything and pick up everything to understand what's going on but I didn't feel like that with this game. I was genuinely invested in trying to find out what was going on and it didn't feel in any way tedious.
Also a couple of the characters were actually terrifying without it being a horror and I think it added a lot to the suspense and urgency with which I played.
Steam User 7
Had the game on my wishlist for years and am regretting not playing it sooner: possibly the most narratively engaging title in my library. The RPG element is fun also for adventure type gamers and makes it so that choices do in fact matter. 5 episodes of approximately 3 or 4 hours each. Very highly recommended.