The 7th Guest VR
Experience the most spine-tingling VR mystery adventure of your life.
The classic game that chilled you to the bone in the 90s has been brought back to life, with cutting-edge VR technology that delivers an atmospheric story like no other.
Six guests have been welcomed to the foreboding mansion. But something sinister is at play. The wealthy recluse and toymaker, Henry Stauf, hides in the shadows, and there is a dark power here, shrouded in mysteries. Who is the 7th Guest? What does Henry want with them? And who will live to tell the tale?
As you explore the eerie mansion, the puzzles become increasingly challenging, and there are dangers lurking around every corner, with every shadow, creak, and flicker of light adding to the haunting tension.
Unlock new rooms and uncover hidden secrets, all while trying to keep your wits about you against the eerie horrors. The 7th Guest VR is the ultimate adventure for fans of mystery-puzzle games and those seeking a new and terrifying VR experience.
Steam User 10
It's a nice game.
I nearly didn't buy it because I can't stand horror games and much less in VR but it's mostly a mystery game with no jump scares.
Puzzles are fine, not too easy, neither too difficult. Puzzles are are contained in each room so no need to keep track of objects o clues hidden in different places.
I bought it with a 40% discount (18€) and took me around 6 hours to play it.
It didn't play the original game but this one, in VR it's worth it
Steam User 6
This game was a great remake of the original 7th game.
This developer has updated the classic puzzle game into a modern masterpiece. The original game had great puzzles it was marred by technical limitations (Lots of the plot was actually cut due to "Technical Limitations".)
While the original story was a confusing mess, the updated game manages to recreate the great atmosphere, have a ton of great lore fitting puzzles and tell a coherent story. All of the guests feel more fleshed out and their motives are more clear.
This is one of the best VR experience that I have played, Staufs Mansion is fully intractable, creepy and fun to explore. It was a shame that there was no Flat Version, this would have been a best seller and reached more fans.
Hopefully Vertigo Games keeps making VR games.
Steam User 4
Hands down, one of the best games of its kind I’ve ever played. Somewhere between an escape room and a point-and-click, it offers an immersive experience beyond measure, with carefully crafted graphics, engaging acting, and incredibly believable characters; just what you’d expect in a classic manor-thriller. The setting and atmosphere are simply perfect, and the story is original, occasionally moving, and well-structured. I couldn’t ask for more.
In case anyone’s wondering, the game has no jumpscares, although there were a couple of moments where I had the uncontrollable urge to take off my headset (spiders, anyone? And yes, you actually have to interact with them… and I’m arachnophobic!)
It’s a real shame it’s already over, I could have played for many hours more. I wish there were more games like this. I don’t think I ever needed any hints, which means the puzzles were never frustrating, though they weren’t super easy either. (For some calculation-based puzzles, like filling chessboards or predicting the opponent’s moves, I relied on my calculator-minded partner, as I’m hopelessly bad at this!)
Highly recommended, a feast for the eyes and ears. There are some lag issues when opening doors, which can cause motion sickness over time (we took turns playing in half-hour sessions to avoid feeling unwell), but it’s probably more due to our hardware than the game itself (we’re playing on Steam with Oculus Link on an older Oculus Quest).
On a bitter note, so sad to see that no translator was mentioned in the credits, Localsoft being the only one displayed. Support your translators, they're incredibly valuable! Show them the due respect! #TranslatorsInTheCredits
Did I mention it was amazing? BUY IT!
Steam User 6
The 7th Guest VR is a nifty re-imagining of the original mansion and story, and what the devs did with it is very cool. I was a big fan of the original game in the 90s, and think that if you enjoyed one version you should really check out the other.
Steam User 4
Never played the original so I couldn't speak to authenticity but it was an excellent VR puzzle title with good visuals, atmosphere, and story. The puzzles are fun and not too hard or obtuse, I hardly used any "auto-solve" coins. Really well-done.
Steam User 7
Fantastic adventure, one of the best VR titles I've played. It is a very faithful reimagining of the original game. The atmosphere is just perfect and puzzles have been adapted to VR. Can't recommend it enough.
Steam User 3
Bought for the price of a movie and enjoyed on a Quest 2 VR headset.
Initially was quite stuttery and jumpy, played through Virtual Desktop as AirLink crapped out on me for some reason, many months ago and despite several updates and attempts to get it reworking it never works - everything else (Virtual Desktop/SteamLink) does - so well done Meta, keep up the great work!
Anyway, switched over to SteamLink which opened up flawless game play, so that is what I would recommend to play this.
I've been into VR for years, since Google Cardboard and Oculus DK2 etc. I've played most of the relevant VR content out there, and this is a top notch experience that I really enjoyed and got fully immersed with.
The detail is the mansion is amazing, each room is full of detail to explore and take in, and the volumetric acting is absolutely gorgeous, the acting itself is brilliant, the sound and atmosphere is perfect, I absolutely loved it and wish there were more games that took this formula.
Despite what others have said, some of the puzzles are challenging, others are fairly straight forward, but I ended up with plenty of "pass" coins left over at the end so could have made it easier if I so wanted. Yes it is very easy if you find the coins and just want to "pass" all of the challenges, but where is the fun in that! Ultimately, it is as difficult or as easy as you want your play through to be and if i wanted to go back and be a completionist, I think there would be a few more hours in there for me yet.
A lot of people complain about the Steam rating system only having "Recommend" or "Not recommend", if there was an option for me I would go for "Strongly Recommended", this is what VR should be about and I wish they would make more games like it!