Terminator: Resistance
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There is no fate but what YOU make. Experience the events leading up to the decisive final battle for the fate of mankind in the war against the machines. Terminator: Resistance, is a first-person shooter set during the 'Future War' scenario that was only glimpsed at in the iconic films, 'THE TERMINATOR' and 'T2: JUDGMENT DAY'. The machines are destined to lose, but at what cost? Run and gun or sneak and hack through Skynet’s defences! Level up your skills and explore a post-apocalyptic world for scraps to trade and craft! Interact with a motley group of survivors and change their fates!
Steam User 269
A game that started rocky, but after the patches that fixed the bugs and optimization it is worth grabbing if you are a fan of the Terminator series or just want to smash the machines. The game does work really well on the Steam Deck even if it says it is unsupported.
Steam User 191
One of the most immersive, yet linear, movie to game franchise done correctly. This is Terminator, the RPG, with skills, leveling, hacking, lockpicking, stealth, and dialogue trees.
Game excels at player progression transforming from initial feeling of a weak scavenger needing to stealth for survival and leveling up the ranks into a full-fledge master sniper and artilleryman taking down T-800s in one shot and HKs with several rockets.
Lots of variety and feels very much like Fallout 3, but marred by checkpoint saving. Really wish using nightvision did not slow down player movement as its the most useful mode through the entire game.
Highly recommend for all Terminator, stealth gameplay, and sci-fi dystopia fans.
Steam User 178
This game shows that A or AA titles can be a lot of fun at a much more reasonable budget. Nice single player campaign (even more for fans of the terminator movies) without too much fluff.
Steam User 129
Very solid, good game.
First of all, the noob reviewer who thinks that this plays like a fallout mode has probably never played anything else than mainstream AAA titles in his life. This game has the "lockpick" minigame from bethesda titles but apart from that there are 0 similarities.
This is a simple normal Shooter, not a "boomer-shooter" but more akin to classics like Halo, Unreal, Prey, F.E.A.R, Solider of Fortune etc... It has a rudimentary skill tree and some crafting. It also has secondary objectives on some missions with a big open map format, but in its core this is a linear shooter.
The writing is solid, the story is OK and graphics are well done what you can expect from an Unreal Engine 4 game.
Achievements are very well done, no BS achievements like "collect 1214 notes or finish the game on nightmare mode" or similiar, all can be done in one playthrough with a little heads-up in advance.
The developer Teyon one and created the robocop FPS after this, which was also very well recieved. I hope this devs stay in the business for a long time and maybe do an alien vs predator title.
Steam User 61
A love letter to the first two Terminator movies. I would classify it as more of a "AA" game and and things like the facial animations are a bit janky, but it captures the feel of the future war scenes from the first two movies quite well. The music is great and the combat is fun. There are a ton of easter eggs from the movies as well. The Infiltrator DLC where you play as a Terminator is good and the other expansion is good too. As much as I liked it, it is a bit steep at full price, but definitely grab it on sale if you can. Totally worth it then.
Steam User 29
Purchased this game on sale which I would recommend.
This is not a AAA game and it shows in areas such as graphics. Honestly though they are descent and do not take away from the overall experience. Voice acting is good and I did not skip any dialogue.
The best part to me of the game is the story. If you have any knowledge of the Terminator movies then you will definitely enjoy how they intertwined the movies with the game. This kept me engaged and interested to see how it turned out. A+
The gameplay consists of starting out as a soldier in the resistance whose unit has been destroyed and you try to reconnect with them. You are pretty weak to start out and have to depend on a bit of stealth early on to survive. Stealth is an option throughout the game, but in most areas it is not possible to go completely that way. There’s also lock picking and hacking, which you can upgrade along with other skills.
The weapons start out weak but as with most games in this genre you will slowly get better weapons which can be upgraded. By end game your a bit op, but I felt like I earned it by then. You will be doing a lot of looting to find resources to purchase supplies as well as looting dead enemies for weapon components for upgrades. You also can craft supplies using tables spread out through the game.
The gameplay is linear but you can wander around a little to explore areas for loot. I did all but one side quest which I missed early on in the game. They do add to the story and piece together some of the people stories you will meet.
Took me around 17 hours to complete the main game. Which I felt was good. It didn’t overstay it welcome. I’m still playing the DLC story, but it has received some good reviews and I’m looking forward to finishing it.
If you enjoy FPS games, I would say you should enjoy this game.
I have now played halfway through DLC missions and it is a bit more dialog heavy as other reviewers have stated. It still is just more of the same gameplay but with more story elements which I enjoyed with the main game. Very good though!
Steam User 30
This game is another fantastic experience from the developers that brought you RoboCop: Rogue City. Lets talk about it:
Graphics: The game definitely shows more of its age and "AA" budget in this particular entry. This game came before RoboCop and you can definitely tell. However, even with the NPC's being janky looking, the enviornments are gorgeous and really set the tone for a post apocalyptic world taken over by SkyNet. There is plenty to look at here.
Music: The music is this game is EXCEPTIONAL. How could you NOT get hyped hearing the OG movie music from Terminator? Every time that anthem hits its game over. Whenever the T-800's arrive the unsettling music hits and you instantly feel dread that you are going to be destroyed if you are found. This game really knows how to set the tone.
Game Play: This game is a nice mix of a fallout-esque style semi open world game and a "on the rails" shooter. It has segments and maps that you can explore however you choose, side quests and objectives that you can partake in within the map if you choose, plenty to loot and discover (if you are a loot / hoarding whore then you will enjoy this game tremendously). There is plenty of NPC dialogue to discover, relationships that you can have and different objectives that can be found if you explore. There is plenty of additional skill trees, lock picking, having, stealth, gun upgrades. Its ALL HERE. The developers did a fantastic job.
Value: There is tremendous value to be had here. The amount of content available for a "AA" game is insane. Most AAA games should be ashamed to be honest. Not to mention the power of rivers starts to scale upwards as you unlock more things. You feel helpless at first, especially on harder difficulties, but as you gain skills and upgrade weapons, you start to become alot more confident in taking down terminators. Its awesome
Cons: The game is "AA" and you feel it in alot of aspects. NPC's are janky, facial animations are weird. Guns and objects sometimes slightly bug out (a weapon on the ground was spinning on its tip endlessly for example). Enemy AI is also janky, sometimes they have aimbot and other times you feel your fighing a stormtrooper. You can abuse terminators and most enemies with a "ring around the rosey" strategy of circling an object and then running behind them to shoot them and then do it again when they turn around. Easily exploitable.
Final Verdict: Terminator: Resistance is a fantastic "AA" experience that you will enjoy. The game starts off as a slow burn, but that QUICKLY ramps up as you unlock more skills and guns that will turn this slower paced game into a game that you can tackle any way you choose. I am enjoying my experiance in this game tremendously and I HIGHLY recommend this game especially if its on sale. Instant buy
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