Tank Operations: European Campaign
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the GameTank Operations: European Campaign is a turn-based, tactical wargame featuring a dozen nail-biting historical scenarios set on the diverse battlefields of World War II. With more than 50 faithfully-rendered, authentic military combat units, along with sabotage options and the need to manage your supply chain, the game will keep armchair generals occupied for hours in realistic combat scenarios.
Battle scenarios range from the landing of Allied troops in northwestern Africa to the invasion of Southern Italy, and wrap with the liberation of Paris and the final battle in Berlin.
Key Features:
- Engaging and intense turn-based gameplay, feel the weight of the war on your shoulders as the AI reacts to your every move on the battlefield
- A dozen historical scenarios to challenge your combat acumen
- 50+ authentic combat and support units, based on real-world tanks, planes and infantry
- Destroy bridges, Capture buildings or Jam Weapons with 10+ special skills,
- Supply Chain Management is key – make sure your forces are well armed and well fuelled for battle
Steam User 50
The game is pretty good, but has some issues. Looks like it was rushed into release with all that it brings. Technical issues (seems like the game suffers from a memory leaks, as it started to lag/freeze and act unresponsive after an hour or so into playthrough) and poor AI being the most critical. Some gameplay mechanics and GUI are also not thought through well enough. On the bright side - game looks really well, nice GUI and unit textures, maps look great, game is really appealing visually. It also has some interesting gameplay mechanics, like carriers, naval warfare, supplies.
The game is certainly good, but it could use some additional 3-4 months of polishing and debugging.
Steam User 32
This is deep strategy with an eye for detail. In a lot of ways it's like a turn-based RUSE, but with much more realism and time to think. I have read a lot of negative reviews that say the game is too hard. Oh, poor babies! You think invading Axis Europe was easy? Hell no! So you can't take out the shore batteriess with ships or artillery? Maybe that's exactly what they were desiogned to resist! Oh no! What ever will we do? How about you use your dive bombers? Now there's an idea! This is exactly what makes the game great! You absolutely HAVE to rule the skies before even attempting a land-based advance. My only real criticisms are: management of your aircraft squadrons is a bit messy, and generally a warning needs to be displayed if aircraft are low on fuel. Also, There needs to be a warning that tells you if you have forgotton to move and fire with any unit when you press 'next turn'.There has been a lot of talk about the following exploit: You can send in one unit followed by a group of ten, attack the enem,y with the lone unit and lose it to their counter attack. Then you can defeat the enemy unit with your ten and recieve no counter-attack. This is not a massive problem, but it xcould be fixed by allowing units infinite counter-attacks (ammo permitting), with exponentially decreasing effectiveness.
Peoiple that are having trouble with operation Torch should think themselves lucky they are not trying to invade mainland Italy. Wow. Once you crack it, though, it's very reqarding. This game is a 'just one more turn' epic that will devour weeks of your life. Well worth every cent!
Steam User 20
I rarely play titles like these, i have dabbled with XCOM and i was pleased with that.
Of course Tank Operations is not in the same league as XCOM and any other high budget Turn Based Strategy, the strategic style of play is certainly there, and with an addictive nature indeed.
Once you start playing the game you forget the retro art style and the old school nostalgia this title gives you, and suddenly find yourself thinking "did that really take that long?" resulting in "DAMN i burnt the Chicken!"
Suffice to say, I’m happy being hooked to an addictive game, not many games have such a simple and essential ability to be addictive
Steam User 0
So first and foremost this game was not ready for a full release and everything I short changed because of it, the AI is terrible and the game is not balanced for a fair fight , I found myself out numbered and on the loosing end more times then I can count, the game unlocks after certain campaigns are completed so if your stuck on one you will have to beat it progress at all, the games decently fun, but many bugs ,glitches, freezing and other issues makes it not worth it in my opinion the sound and music is subpar, as a wargamer who loves Panzer corps and order of battle ECT, I think you can probably find something better with very little effort, but if your just wanting it there is a game here just have to dig to find it.
6 .5/10
Steam User 1
A solid game depending on your style. Very Panzer General like but stands out with it's own gameplay elements. Movement and Resupply are elements I felt detracted from gameplay, but others may like the extra planning considerations when it comes to protecting and keeping ammo and fuel nearby. Killer was the resloution. I couldn't read dialogue boxes without 1.5x magnifier. Nearsighted folks will have no problem though.I liked it, and add a little for the nostalgic feel, but didn't love it. A touch clunky for me in the end.
Steam User 0
Not sure why this one's getting such a lot of negative reviews. I've just spent 10 very engaging, nail-biting hours on the first scenario and am enjoying the game. Just bear in mind that it's not Combat Mission. If you can overlook inaccuracies relating to history and equipment, there's an absorbing experience to be had. The need for supplying units - both with fuel and ammo - does force you into taking a thoughtful approach (assuming you want to win) and the combined use of air and ground forces is essential as well as satisfying. On a technical note, it works fine on my Windows 8 machine.
Steam User 7
The first scenario, the Torch Landings, has German equipment as opposed to the Vichy French. In my opinion, this is not accurate. If one reads the history of this operation, there was some resistance put up by the Vichy forces but nothing like what I have seen in the scenario. Also, why can't the ships be moved? They are too vulnerable to the shore batteries and should be able to be moved farther away for protection. Another thing that has me concerned is that the description of the Mark III tank is "heavy" which is not true. The Grant tank had a larger gun than the MK III in 1942, especially in this theater of war.
Overall, the gameplay seems interesting and I'll continue to play. Afterall, it was less than $10.